Chapter 9

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Next stop. New Orleans.

____________________________________________________ *Six hours later*

After a long road trip I finally arrived in my kingdom. Now your surely wondering 'her kingdom?'. Well simply because it's my kingdom, well not entirely mine of course. Marcel helps me rule this place. Fifty years after I turned I bumped into Marcel, the vampire king of New Orleans. Short version is I saved his life, we became besties and he made me queen.
He stays there all the time but since I prefer traveling I just check up on the city once in a while. Funny thing is that Marcel also got a past with all the originals. Typical. All of my friends have a history with these big bad vampires while I'm totally out of the loop.. But I sid make one of them my friend so..hah!

I park my car and enter the place I'll definitely find Marcel.
As I entered the bar I instantly spot Marcel.
He's sitting in the middle of the room drinking a bottle of vodka. I sneak up behind him.

"Howdy mate! How ya doin''" I shouted.
Marcel whipped his head around and jumped of his chair.

"Kell, I told you to loose the cowboy accent" he had a huge grin on his face as he hugged me.

"Can't help it you know, I just sound so damn sexy" I teased him.

"No Kell, you sound stupid" he deadpan.
I only grumble in response.
Stupid Marcel.

After catching up with Marcel and updating him on everything that's been going on in my messed up life exluding all the Original drama. He doesn't like talking about it, a sore subject. I never pushed him though. I never told him about Kol so it's only fair.

"So you found your cousins?" He asks.

"Sure did." My smile was wide.

"That's my favorite witch" he says smirking.
You see, Marcel is not such a fan of witches but he loves me of course. I'm just so damn lovable.

"You know it whitey" I smirk back.
I call him whitey simply because his teeth are so white that they can be seen from space.

"So, when will you be leaving?" he asks.

"Why? Already tired of my company? I'm hurt." I fake an overly dramatic voice.

Marcel let's out a laugh.
"Oh come on Kell, we both know you hate staying at one place for too long if you don't have a good reason to stay." he gave me that knowing look.
Damn you Marcel. But he's right,mostly I have nothing holding me back. But then again, that was before Damon and Stefan.

I shrugged.
"To answer your question, I'm leaving early in the morning. Got people to see, places to go."

After doing a bit more catching up with him I left to get some sleep in my mansion. Before falling asleep I call Damon. But he doesn't pick up... Worry starts to grow in me and I dial Stefans number. Luckily he answers.
Let's see what tomorrow brings.
Stefan POV:

I was laying still on the floor. Klaus was holding a glass of blood in his hands and crouches down next to me. Katherine was staring at us curious to what would happen next. Klaus opened his mouth but them my phone started ringing. I glance up at Klaus.

"Go ahead mate."he smirks.

I get up and pull my phone out. Kelly's calling. Crap.

Cocky much? (Klaus Mikaelson fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora