Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

Ruby's POV

Warning: This chapter contains adult scenes, AKA smut, not suitable for children. Also, sorry if the formatting has been different lately, I've been writing on my phone these past few chapters.

  I do a small twirl in the mirror before I leave for my next date with Roman, secretly hoping he likes my outfit. I have a black lace cropped corset, a black pleated skirt with red lace and shin high black boots with red laces with thigh high stockings. I quickly put on my eyeliner and lipstick and a text lights up my scroll. I see it's a notification that my taxi is here. Yang offered to take me, but I made an excuse to take a cab to avoid her seeing Roman.

   I quickly get into the taxi and give the driver the address of where I'm meeting Roman. I open my scroll and send a text to him.

  Ruby: I'm on my way. I should be there in a few minutes.

Roman: Can't wait, cutie. See you in a few. ;)

  I anxiously bounce my leg up and down and chew on my bottom lip. I wonder if Roman will try to kiss me again. I don't know if I would stop him, especially after the other day when I came on my hand while thinking of him. Heat rushes to my face and between my legs and I rub my thighs together at the memory. I can't believe I did that. I chew on the inside of my cheek and anxiously busy myself on my scroll until I arrive at my destination. Roman told me where he would be sitting, so even the taxi parks I pay the driver. I exit the taxi and make my way toward the direction where Roman told me he was sitting. I spot him and make my way toward him. 

   A stick crunches under my boot and he turns around to face the sound.

   A grin forms on his face when he sees me. “Red, you made it!" He stands up and comes toward me. In my excitement, right before I get to Roman, I don't notice a rock in my way and I trip over it, stumbling a little. Before I hit the ground, a pair of strong arms catches me. I look up and Roman gives me a soft smile. “Are you okay, gem?" He asks.

   I nod, blushing out of embarrassment. I can't believe I almost fell and he had to catch me. 

“Here, lie down before you fall again." With a hand on my lower back, he guides me to the blanket he has laid out. I lie down and so does he, putting one arm behind his head and the other behind mine. He gently tucks me into his side and kisses the top of my head. 

   I rest my head on his shoulder and breathe in the scent of his cologne. It's the same one he was wearing when he carried me home the other night.

   He rests his hand on my hip just above my skirt and rubs his thumb back and forth. He doesn't have his gloves on and his touch on my bare skin is electrifying. “You look beautiful tonight, Red." 

  I bury my face into his shoulder, not wanting him to see me blush at his compliment. “Th-thank you.”

   "Hey, don't hide. Your face when you blush is too cute to hide.” He puts a finger under my chin and tilts my face up to look at him. He gives me a smirk and runs his thumb along my lower lip. We stare into each other's eyes for a moment before he speaks again. “Can I kiss you, Red?"

   My face heats up even more and my blush darkens. I give a small nod and scoot up so that he doesn't have to lean down as far. 

   He tucks a strand of hair behind my ear and presses his lips to mine. His lips linger for a moment before the fireworks begin above us. He breaks the kiss before nipping at my lower lip. “We'll finish this later," He mutters against my lips. He gives me a small peck on the forehead before looking up at the sky to watch the fireworks.

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