welcome our jeon twins 👶🏻👶🏻

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vo skips to tae delivery

tae is now in the delivery room screaming hard as the doctor has to do c-section as he's a male

(I am sorry idk much about this procedure I'm still a teen)

Both jikook conditions are no good they  both are more worried and tensed then tae while there hyungs are trying to console him saying it will be fine

Soon they heard babies crying. They stood up from their places and the nurse came with the twins and handed each to jikook whose eyes shined seeing baby

Btw they both are boys

Jikook- our baby
(Pecked each child head)

Jikook- how is tae can we meet him

Dr. - not right now Mr. Jeon, let him rest for now you can take both baby and tae after a night as we have to keep them under observation
(Jikook nodded in understanding)

Jin- now hand me my baby bears

Jhope- no first I'll hold them

Jennie- no it's me

Suga- no first I'll hold

Rm- no I'm the eldest I'll hold him first

They all started quarreling about who will hold them first

Jk- no one will hold our babies
(Said hugging their babies tight)

Jimin- yes we won't give them to you

Jin- aish why are you being so possessive let us hold them

Jimin- no

Jennie- yah

Rose- hyungie pls let me hold him

Suga- yes let us hold him

Jikook thought for a while then said

Jikook- NO

They sighed seeing their possessive side for babies 

After sometimes
tae is still resting as he is really tired and both babies are sleeping

Jikook is now sitting beside tae caressing his hairs and hand

Jimin- bear you bare a lot today, I'm proud of you

Jk- no, we both are proud of you

After sometimes Jk started tearing up

Jimin- kookie are you fine

Jk- hmm, I'm just wondering about my life, jimin you know tae suffered a lot in his life his parents are in abroad don't even think about him they gave all responsibility to Jin hyung and after hyung give it to me but I couldn't take care of him well I. I.
(now he was a crying mess while jimin patted his back)

Jimin- I know kookie I know he suffered a lot but now he have two two lovers to protect him and cherish him

Jk(nod)- you are right jimin but tae is himself so strong and independent I am really proud on him and today also he had to go through all the pain alone

Jimin - he is strong so now don't worry or cry you know right tae don't like tears in your eyes

Jk- he doesn't like tears in our eyes

Tae- so then why you both are crying
(Jikook turned their face towards tae who is now looking at them with doe eyes)

Jk- bub you are fine right

Jimin- you aren't feeling any pain

Jk- wait let me call doctor

Jimin- I'll bring the doctor

Tae- aish I'm fine don't worry also you to don't cry I'm perfectly fine just have a lil pain

Jimin- bu..

Tae- no buts I'm totally fine and i know I troubled you guys a lot these mon

Jk- don't you dare to say like that we loved to treat you like a princess and handle your mood swings

Jimin- yeah, just leaving food cravings
(Trio chuckle)

Tae- my my babies 👶👶🍼

Jikook- wait

Soon they came with babies and hand them to tae who admired them with loving eyes

Tae- my babies look they both look likes you both

Jikook- yeah they are our copy

Tae- no they are my baby so my copy
(Said cutely, trio again chuckled and connected their heads together)

Time skips to 5 years

Now both the twin are 5 years old also jimin give birth to a boy and last year tae gave birth to a baby girl

Their names and age
Jeon aera - 1 year old
(Jk's princess)

Jeon taekook - 5 years old
(Jimin's champ)

Jeon taemin - 5 years old
(Mamma's (tae) boy)

Jeon kimchi - 3½ years old
( tae's prince)

Tae- taemin where are you my bub

Taemin- mumma catch me catch me if you can 

Tae- aish wait
He was running but bumped into a broad chest, he was about to fall but before someone saved him

Jk- you are fine right

tae - you don't need to talk to me
(Said standing up and leaving from there)

Jk - aish I'm sorry i just said princess that she's my favorite daughter but this doesn't mean

Jk- aish tae atleast listen to me

Meanwhile jimin was playing with taekook and kimchi

Jimin- taekook pass the ball to me

Taekook- ok appa

Kimchi- mumma bive (give)me the ballsh

Jimin- yes my baby here
(He passed the ball but it was so big for his small hands that if falled while both jimin and taekook chuckle)

While kimchi ran towards his appa and was about to hug him but stopped

Kimchi - appa ish so bad you told aeri is your favolate daucher (favorite daughter)

And ran away from their

Jk- but she's my only daughter


Hey do you liked it, only one more part and it will officially be ended. I'll upload the last part today late at night.
Btw do you liked the names I couldn't find new names so i just decided to name them this.
Have a nice evening
Love you❤❤

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