Chapter 1

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Camila sat in the tub humming along with the music coming from the radio. Camila giggled as she lifted her leg from beneath the water. The bathroom door flew open, which caused Camila to jump.

"What did I tell you about this loud ass music?!" Her aunt screamed.

Camila stood up, trying to cover her unclothed body. "S-Sor-ry."

"This is the last time you turn on some fucking music in this damn house!" Her aunt said as she picked up the radio.

Camila shivered. "P-Pl-lease."

"I can't understand you dumbass. I told your stupid mother to abort you, but they never listen..." she mumbled.

"Doing?" Camila asked, and her aunt shook her head.

"Nothing but a favor."

The extremely high woman tossed the radio into the tub. Camila shrieked and jumped out as fast as she could, slipping in the process. Unfortunately, Camila didn't jump out fast enough. She lay there on the ground, her mouth foaming from the electrocution.

"Stupid bitch" her aunt laughed, and with that statement she was gone.

"Camila, quit screaming!" Normani shouted as she shook her. Whimpering, Camila opened her eyes. "M-Mani" she cried. The older girl pulled her close, rubbing comforting circles on her back. "S-Sor-ry" Camila said as her tears seeped into Normani's shirt. "Camila tell me what happened" Normani's demanded. Camila looked down biting her lip. "C-Can't" she said, then she covered her face with her hands.

"Fine I'll just know when you're ready to talk about it, I'm here" Normani said, "now c'mon, you're too pretty to cry. How about we go out for breakfast?" Normani suggested.

Camila's eyes lit up. "WAFFLES!" She screeched, causing Normani to cover her ears.

"Get dressed so we can go" Normani said, then she exited the room.

Camila jumped out of bed. She threw on some jeans and a sweater. She tugged on her favorite animal beanie. She slipped her feet into some socks then into her converses. She pranced out of the room, and Normani had also walked out of her room.

"Awwwww" Normani cooed.

Camila looked behind herself. "What?"

"You, the way you're dressed" Normani giggled.

Camila's cheeks began to heat up. "Bad?"

"No, you look adorable" Normani reassured the smaller girl.

Camila smiled from ear to ear. "GO!" Camila shouted dragging Normani downstairs.

"Alright we're going" Normani said as she grabbed the keys off the coffee table.

They calmly walked out of their apartment. Camila walked towards the elevator while Normani locked the door. Normani caught up with Camila. She reached out to push the button and Camila quickly pushed it. She stuck out her tongue and Normani playfully rolled her eyes. The elevator opened and both girls stepped inside.

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