Chapter 8

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Camila had come back downstairs, seeing Lauren at the table. Her breath hitched, she sat down next to her. "Hi" she winked. "H-Hi" Camila said, her voice cracking. Lauren giggled at her nervousness. Dinah noticed how nervous Camila had gotten. After breakfast was served, Camila was forced to take Lauren to her room.

"Nice room. It fits you" she said from the doorway. Camila blushed, and Lauren laughed. "Why are you blushing?" She asked. "Not" Camila defended. Lauren put her hands up in defeat. She slowly stepped into Camila's room, closing the door behind herself. Camila jumped at the sound of the door being locked.

"Calm down, no need to get all jumpy" she laughed.

"Lock?" Camila asked.

"Lock? Oh why did I lock it? Don't you want some privacy?" Lauren asked. "Well, what do you do in here?"

"R-Read" Camila answered, her heart beating fast.

"Well, you're gonna experience something new today" Lauren said, setting her bag on Camila's bed. She pulled out her new gaming console, controllers, and games. Camila watched as Lauren set up the console. Lauren connected the controllers. She put in the game and handed Camila a controller.

"This game has some violence and strong language but you can handle it, right?" Lauren asked.

"Y-Yeah--OOH START" Camila said getting excited.

Lauren sat down on the bed next to Camila. Camila attempted to play, and immediately had trouble. "Here, let me show you how to play" Lauren said, putting her arms around Camila's waist. She instructed Camila on how to play. Camila quickly caught on.

The two females played the game, never changing positions. The door flew open, Normani standing there.

"Mila I've been calling you for five minut-- what's going on in here?" Normani teased.

"Kordei, stop being nosey. Get your ass in here, NOW!" Dinah shouted.

"I'm coming woman!" She shouted back. "If you guys need anything, I'll be in the other room with that lunatic."


"Ugh, women" Normani scoffed.

"What about women? You told I was one of a kind, now you're saying that I'm just like other women?!" Dinah snapped, now standing behind her girlfriend.

"You know what, shut up and get back in the room. Let's go"

The crazy couple disappeared. "Oh my lord, they're already starting to sound like an old couple" Lauren and Camila laughed. "Well, I have to take my pills. I'll be right back" Lauren said getting up. When the heat source for Camila had left, Camila felt strange. She had gotten so comfortable in Lauren's arms, she totally forgot how uncomfortable Lauren always made her feel.

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