Moving In & Checking Out

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I woke up the next morning with a smile on my face. Which was a great sign seeing as lately I hadn't been able to smile. I got dressed in yoga pants and a t-shirt before looking at my phone. Kathy texted me.

I'm outside. Bring your suitcases.

I smile and bring both of my suitcases and my duffle bag. As promised she was out front waiting for me to head down. I decided to let mom sleep in and go see what she could of Britain before she had to head out in a few days. We head down the street quickly and towards my new apartment. "Can we go out and search for a television after we get all of the stuff in", I ask Kathy.

"Sure, love", she smiles sideways at me as we pull into the parking lot. Room 333. I take out my key chain and look at the new key that was given to me last night. I open it and smile. This is mine. This place is mine. I walk in and just lay down on the carpet. "Thanks Kathy", I smile as she lays down next to me. She's wearing ripped jeans and a big paint stained shirt. "Anytime, love. You can call me aunt Kathy if you want to. It's what your mother and I had planned when we were in high school together anyways", she says grabbing my hand.

"Okay. Aunt Kathy. That has a ring to it", I say as the doorbell rings. I get up hesitantly from my comfortable position and head to the doorway. I open the door to see Ms.Adelaide standing at my doorstep. "Hello, darling", she says pulling me into a tight embrace. I am shocked at first and then I smile and hug her right back. "Oh I'm super excited for you to get moved in. It's about time I get someone in here from MIC", she says calling in the others.

"This is Martin, Jack, and Ethan", she says pointing to each man. Martin had light brown skin with neat corn rows. His eyes were a dark brown and was extremely built. Jack was olive in colour and had bright green eyes. His hair was was black and straight. Ethan was pale and his hair was ginger. He had freckles sprayed across his face and arms. His eyes were a dark blue.

"My names Lark", I say shaking each of their hands. Adelaide wastes no time and gets them to get the furniture as soon as the introductions have finished. I smile and head down to see the furniture and see that one of the items is covered in a tarp. "What's that", I ask Aunt Kathy. She just smiles and heads down to the area where they put the furniture for now. I walk behind her like a child walking behind her mother who refused to buy her candy.

The three boys laughed at me as I followed her. I couldn't help but laugh at myself as well. We take the bed up first followed by the drawers. The bed was by far the hardest to carry up the stairs. Suddenly a beep beep comes from my phone.

Hello Lark from Starbucks ;)

It was Eric.

Hey Eric from the Airport :P

I smile as we take the couch in the large living room. This is getting done a whole lot faster than I anticipated.

So whatcha doing, little American?

I laugh and then tell him I'm moving into my new apartment. The coffee table comes in next along with the glass TV stand. "Another bed frame was found to match yours, do you want it", Aunt Kathy asks. I nod as they bring that in as well. Once everything is finished I pull out my laptop completely disregarding the unhung paintings sitting to the side.

I log in and get on the website. I have three replies to the add and check out the Facebook profiles attached to each of the people. Two are going to MIC the other is going to Cheshire University. Two are female. One is male. The first girl named Jessamine Holt seems to be quiet the party girl. Lots of pictures of her with her friends at bars and other places. Lindy Wright is a hiker and camper. Very outdoorsy by the looks of it.

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