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Today was like any other.

It was November fifth, one of my friends birthdays, they weren't a close friend by all means, more like an acquaintance. Still, I was invited to their "Party of the Year" it was the usual high school party, people were making bad decisions with their time by drinking or smoking whatever drugs they were able to get their grubby hands on. It was a shame to see the people I grew up with do such things, especially since I knew how their parents would react to seeing this. This party was loud and abrasive, normally something I would avoid in my day to day life.

"Why did I choose to come then?" you might think.

The reason was simple... William Cottonwood would be there. Who is William Cottonwood? He was only the cutest guy in our school! Out of the few thousand kids that went to our small school William was the one who stood out the most to me. He was quiet, timid, and if you managed to get him to talk to you he was very rude and sarcastic. The whole town knew of him and his younger brother Jackson, their past was the biggest thing that happened to our town in decades. It was natural to know any kind of big drama that went down, word spreads fast.

A couple years ago (four, maybe five give or take) their mother had killed herself after finding out her husband had been sleeping around with other women. As tragic as that was their father soon abandoned the two boys and left them to care for the family's farm by themselves. The town was happy to help them by donating anything that the boys could use, William had managed to get himself a decent paying job doing landscaping around town. It wasn't an easy job to do but he was making double what someone around his age would be making normally. His younger brother, Jackson, did not apply to any jobs, instead he stayed at home and took care of the farm, they still had animals to take care of and crops to water of course.

What made William so different than other kids wasn't his personality or his looks. Oh it was definitely not his looks, his face was prone to acne and he had such weird tan lines from being out in the sun all day, not only that but his hair desperately needed to be trimmed. His hair would fall in front his eyes and disrupt his work, his mom would usually cut his hair but since her passing he had grown fond of longer hair. Maybe it was to remember her or he just liked it himself, he refused to cut it anymore than necessary for whatever reasons.

Normally William wouldn't draw much attention to himself, he was biding his time until graduation then he would be able to work full-time as a landscaper. What drew me to him was a short meeting between us, I was looking to buy a perfume/cologne that would last me a whole day but would also not destroy my nostrils from getting a single whiff of it. It was hard finding something that would fit my tastes and also be what I wanted. William was in the same section of the store as me, I had recognized him from class but I ignore him at first. It wasn't my business to know why he was here nor was it his. It wasn't until he had walked up behind me and pointed to a random item on the shelf for me.

"Try this one, it's one of my favorites."

It wasn't the most romantic meetings but I've liked him since. There was something different about him than others, maybe it was me being strange but he was so different than the people I have met before. He had to be the one for me, I know it.

Luck was on my side all along it seems. Weeks later the principal called me into her office and had told me that would be tutoring him in a few classes, it was strange that he would need tutoring, he used to be known as the quiet nerd who got all A's. Regardless, this was a way I could get closer to him.

The party was everything a party should be, there were dozens of snacks and drinks, people were screaming to the music being played at max volume, it was the worst. I just needed to see William and maybe talk to him, then I could leave this shit-show. Why would William even be at a party like this... Well his brother was here for a start. Jackson was a party animal, maybe it was the trauma from his parents that made him that way or he was just born like that. If he was at a party then you know that by the end of it he would be blackout drunk on the couch with vomit surrounding him. If Jackson was here then that means William probably came to be his ride home, it was a school night so it wouldn't be absurd to think so. I just needed to find where he was at and maybe I could make conversation.

Our tutoring sessions were just that, he would
listen to what I had to say about English or History, then he would write it down and our session would be over. I needed to make conversation a different way.

Looking all around the house I searched for the man of my dreams. He was nowhere to be seen the more and more I look. Did he even come? Maybe I should search outside of the house to see if he's there, he obviously isn't the type to go to extravagant parties like this.

So I continue my search outside. Finding him was pretty easy, he was standing outside of his old car (1957 Ford Thunderbird - I know my cars now I swear!) it was extremely rusted and looked as if it was going to break completely if it was driven one more time. It was a good fit for William, the car I mean, it suited his looks and made him look cool while he sat on the hood smoking his cigarette.

He was so hot- er... attractive, he was VERY attractive. Now I needed to make conversation if I wanted to get closer to him. I walked up to the dark skinned male and sat down next to him.

"So... I never took you for a party kind of guy." I started the conversation hoping to get him to talk.

"I'm driving my brother." He said back bluntly taking a deep inhale of his cigarette.

"Your brother huh, what's he like?" I knew exactly how his brother acted.

"He's an idiot, nothing more nothing less." Exactly how I would describe him, I laughed in William's face.

"Speak of the devil" He groaned and dropped his cigarette to the pavement below and stomped on it with his foot. Jackson had just come out of the front door, a larger teen holding him by his arm, most likely a senior. The senior threw Jackson to the ground in front of the house and slammed the door shut behind him, it seems like Jackson had made yet another enemy due to his drinking habits. Jackson stood up from the ground and began wobbly walking towards me and William. He was beyond drunk, he could hardly walk in a straight line forward. If there were a competition to see who had the best zombie impression Jackson would most definitely win.

Jackson groaned loudly and opened the passenger door to the car. He sat down (fell into) the car and shut the door behind him, then he laid his head back onto the seat and shut his eyes. William was used to this sight, as sad as it may be, he sighed in disappointment before looking back to me.

"Hey uh... you have my number, give me a call anytime you want to talk, yeah?"

No way.. There  was no way THE William Cottonwood just told me to call him anytime! I had his number before for tutoring reasons but that was just to tell him when I was available. He actually wants to talk? Both William and I stood up from the hood of the car and went our separate ways. When William had gotten to his car he gave me a mock salute before driving away with a smirk on his face.

I can't believe what just happened. William really was something else, now I just need to figure out when I would call him. Would I even call him? What would be the reason for me to call? I'll need to make up an excuse to talk to him besides our usual tutor session information... God why do I have to be such a nerd, I can barely even function around my crush it's driving me insane!

I should call him tonight...

1518 Words
I actually really enjoy writing this! Sorry I neglected to publish this earlier, Sara (my editor) got Covid and was unable to read over this chapter.
You can definitely tell I've gotten more used to writing compared to my other work... all the cringe that I felt is still there but hopefully I can continue to get better at writing dialogue.
Thank you for reading!

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