Chapter 1

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I sat in the cold chair for so long that my legs felt stiff and my feet were asleep. My hand was placed securely around his ensuring that he knew I was there.

It had been about two weeks now that Justin was in a comatose state. Unable to move or speak to his family or me. The doctors were unsure whether he would make it or not, but were leaning towards a successful recovery.

Knowing this kept me hopeful, although it was still difficult to see my best friend so helpless. These past two weeks were hard on both our families and it was especially difficult for me since I had hidden so much from him. It would kill me inside to see him pass without knowing the truth about my past.

Lying about Sean and my relationship was my biggest regret. I wanted so bad to tell him the truth but seeing him with someone else made me spiteful. Just as I had gotten closer to him, in a matter of seconds, he was distant from me. And it was my fault.

I promised myself that if and when he woke up, I would tell him everything.

Just then, I heard a groaning noise and his hand moved under mine. Justin opened his eyes and smiled at me. His face looked bright and his eyes shined. He looked heavenly. He jumped out of the bed and bounced over to me, bringing me into a warm embrace.

"Justin, I am so glad you are okay." I said, weeping into his shoulder. "I am so sorry. I have so much to tell you."

Finally feeling his arms around me brought me so much joy and then suddenly the bright light was gone and I awoke from a nap in the uncomfortable hospital chair. I looked over at Justin's bed and saw him sound asleep, just as he had looked for two weeks. This isn't the first time I dreamed about Justin's recovery.

I got up from the chair and stretched my sore body. I picked up the album I left by his table and pulled my seat closer to him. I opened up the book and went through each picture. "Look, this is a picture of us in fifth grade. We looked so dorky." I laughed. Justin had a terrible haircut. "Your mom gave you this haircut, remember? She really wanted to save money by cutting it herself. How sweet."

I flipped through the others and laughed at the funny pictures and imagined Justin next to me, laughing with me.

"You know, they say that people in a coma can hear the people around them. I hope you can hear me." I said. "I hope you know how sorry I am. I feel as though this has been my fault. You wouldn't be here if I hadn't come and told Sean to visit. I am so sorry Justin."

I set the album down and grabbed his hand. I brushed his hair into place and wiped his face with a cloth. I stared at him a bit hoping to see some sort of motion in his eyes. After a while of not seeing a reaction, I grabbed the album and set myself at a table in the room and did my homework.

Summer has ended and school has started. Since the accident, my parents let me stay with Justin's parents, Mark and Karen. I even went to his high school. I come here after school and hang out with him and do my homework.

Some thought it was a bit extreme. Checking on him everyday. They said I shouldn't get so attached and that I should start letting him go. They say he has become my obsession. But I knew that I had left him too many times and I wouldn't leave him now when I knew he needed me the most.

Usually when Justin's parents finished work they would come over here and tell me that I had to go home. They were worried for me. I was worried for me, too. The last time I left Justin, my life had went into a complete, catastrophic mess.

"Delilah?" I heard Karen say as she walked in with Mark. "Honey, you are still here? It is nearly 10 o'clock." She checked her watch. She sat in the empty seat next to me as I worked on my homework. "I am worried for you dear."

She wrapped her arm around me. I rested my head on her shoulder and a few tears came down my cheek. "I just want him to wake up when I am here so he knows that I never left him."

"Trust me, he is in there and he knows you are here." She said, "He knows you won't leave him, dear." She hugged me tightly. "Really, you should be going. Would you like me to drive you? I don't want you to fall asleep at the wheel."

"No, it's fine. I am not even tired." I picked up my homework and stuffed it in my bag. Karen hasn't been in the best mood lately. Her eyes are always dark and she always carried worried lines on her forehead. I give her another hug.

Mark is by his son's side and holding his hand. I walk to Justin's other side. "Could I have a moment to say goodbye?"

His parents nod as always, I like to say goodbye to Justin by myself each night. I grab his hand. "Justin, I'm going home now. If you'd like to wake up now, it'd be the perfect time since I won't be here until tomorrow after school." I squeeze his hand a bit and wait patiently.

As usual, I get no response and I let go and give him a kiss on his forehead. "See you tomorrow, Justin. I can't wait to speak to you again. I'll bring your favorite game tomorrow."

When Summer Ends (Sequel to Summer At Justin's)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat