Juvia and Gray

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Lucy's POV

I was laying on my bed remembering all the good times I had in Fairy Tail I turned my head and there was a glass of water with ice which instantly made me remember Juvia and Gray. OH! I forgot I was going to tell you guys, ok so this is what happened:


"Lucy I need your help!" Juvia yelled "Whats wrong are you alright are you hurt!" I ask worried "No Juvia is fine its just that Juvia is tired of Gray-sama ignoring her, she knows he likes her but he wont admit it!" she finnished. Yes its true Gray does have feelings for her even though he tries to hide them "Ok I got the perfect plan" then I told her what it was and we both knew this couldn't fail. "Ok i called him and he agreed just because he said your happiness is also his". Ok lets put this plan to ACTION! I was in the guild and everyone knew the plan except for Gray of course, then I gave them the signal when I saw Gray coming in. "Oh Gray have you heard the great news" Mira ask him "No whats going on" he said. Oh boy lets hope this works "Well Lyon proposed to Juvia and she agreed!!!" she yelled faking eximent "WHAT?!?!". YES! the plan is working perfectly "What do you mean he proposed and she agreed" my turn "Well it that simple he came from Lamia Scale and proposed we all saw right guys" I said and everyone said yes and how cute it was. "When is she getting married?" he asked at this point he was so angry smoke was coming out of his head! "Well right now" when i said that he completely exploded "Where are they!!!" "At Kardia Cathedral we can go right now if you want"I said "Ok lets go"

5 minutes later

We arrived a Kardia Cathedral where Juvia was wearing a wedding dress and Lyon a tux right then the father ask "If there anyone who would apose of this marriage speak now or forever hold you peace" right on cue!. "I DO!" Gray yelled I saw Juvia and winked at her Gray walked straight up to Lyon "What the hell do you think your doing with my woman!" OMG!!! HIS WOMAN!!. "Well if I recall Juvia isn't your woman" Lyon said. Juvia went to stand next to me and said "Lucy your plan is WORKING!!!" she whisper yelled "Well she is and I am taking her with me" then he walked up to Juvia and KISSED HER!!! AHHHH!!!! Then he threw her over his should and carried her out. Juvia was blushing like crazy but before they left she mumbled a 'Thank you'. "Thanks for your help Lyon and dont worry Im sure you'll find your match soon" I thanked Lyon "Your welcome and thanks oh if Gray does anything to hurt Juvia just call me and I'll kick his ass for sure" with that he left back to Lamia Scale and I to my house. Today was a good day indeed.

End of Flashback

Well thats how it happened after that they were always together it was so cute. I miss them so much but theres nothing I can do about it, and well there two more days before I meet my future husband and believe it or not I'm I little exited.


HEY LOVELIES!!! So i wanted to show some love since only bad things had been happening and Gray and Juvia are going to end up together some day its pretty obvious that Gray has feelings for her even though he tries to hide them.

Anywayyy dont for get to





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