Chapter Twelve

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Rachelle's Pov
Flights still made my stomach dropped. Though it was like a cloud of relief over my brain, when all the sights and sounds of Hawkins mashed into my brain once more. Like I was home, no screw that I was home.

Though stopping by to see all the kids who weren't all that kids anymore. We wanted to surprise and pick Max from the high school. I leaned against the door frame, the semi hot sun and warm breeze whipped over my frame. Billy roughly lighting up a cigarette, a rough click shut of the metal lighter, while he spoke towards me gesturing with his head.

"This school is still filled the same with the guys and girls walking around like it's important." I dug and picked at my cuticle, A little snort of my own laughter blending in with his.

"Says the one who was the keg king." I laughed my body colliding into his side while he roughly held the cigarette between his pointer finger, blowing out the toxic smoke squeezing at my sides.

The banter between one and other thinking about how school for me felt like semi hell. The loud school ball rang out, teens flying and escaping out. Though I hadn't seen her in a few years, I spotted her red hair.

The poor girl wasn't lying when she said she was not hanging around with everyone anymore. "Yo Max!" I slapped at Billy's exposed stomach giving him a really look. She had her headphones over her head.

She yanked them for a moment the exhausted, mad look in her eyes faded. She locked eyes extremely fast, jogging at a fast speed.

I pulled from Billy laughing softly once she ran into my arms. I hugged her tightly swaying a couple times holding at the back of her head.

"Oh my god you guys are here! Actually here." She rushed out. I looked towards Billy, while she pulled away looking between us both. Billy messed up her hair smirking.

"Of course we are nerd, when you send letters making my girlfriend beg." I rolled my eyes toward him.

"Ignore him he's grumpy cause he slept wrong on the plane." Max looked happy though her eyes read exhaustion. Billy threw down the butt of his cigarette, pulling the handle to the car door slipping in. I helped her get into the back seat before climbing in the passenger seat.

"Where are the other nerds at anyway?" He questioned starting up the car once more.I ordered her to put her seatbelt on rolling the window down.

"Well I'm going to be real honest, I don't hang out with everyone like I use to. Lucas is on the basketball team hanging out with his popular friends."

"Lucas is with the popular kids." Me and Billy said in sync. He placed his hand over my thick brown thigh squeezing at it, before grabbing my hand holding at it in place while pulling out of the parking lot onto the road.

"Ew you guys do that weird couple things were you talk in sync." She tossed us a disgusted look, chuckling looking out the window.

"Wait are we talking about the same Lucas?" I questioned it out. I never thought. I shook my head a couple times, my curls gathering in my face.

"What about the other nerds. Harrington still around?" Billy spoke a little focused on the road.

"You seriously still can't have a feud with him." I laughed it out turning my head towards the back seat more, focusing in Max. I grabbed her hands, she was startled though she held mine back smiling.

"Well Dustin, Will, Mike they hang out with that Eddie Munson dude with the hellfire club." I was left in shock again. Eddie was still there? I laughed about it in awe.

"Eddie is still there?! I use to have the biggest crush on him he was so hot like in the bad boy way!"

"Babe seriously I'm like right here driving the car!"

"How can you be jealous?!" Me and Billy grew into one of our usual banters. He would get jealous about my old crushes from high school even though they moved here later in the year.

I laughed when he shot me a playfully looking, using his hand to cover my face laughing with me.

"Focus on the road big guy." I said through my laughter. I notice that Max was smiling after her laughter calmed down. My own giggles, after pushing Billy's hand away I spoke towards her poking at her nose.

"What?" I teased her seeing this relief set over her senses. She grabbed at my hand for a moment patting at it.

"I'm just really glad you both are here. I don't feel so lonely." The hues of my brown eyes soften, Billy glanced at me slightly from the side view. Voicing his own thoughts.

"We missed you too Max."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 25 ⏰

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