Part One: Oddly Kind Stranger

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Oliver looked at him. "Oh, you are awake!" He said cheerfully. Oliver stood up, and brushed himself off. He ran over to a nearby campfire he had set up. He was cooking what seemed to be a small pot of soup over it. Oliver pulled out a small bowl from a small knapsack he had. He filled it up with some soup, and brought it over to Prussia.

"What is this?" Asked Prussia

Oliver smiled. "It's soup." Oliver put the bowl ridge to Prussia's mouth. Prussia drank/ate the soup as Oliver tilted the bowl to help him eat. After Prussia ate the whole thing, Oliver set the bowl down next to him. He took a second, and looked into Prussia's eyes. Although, it was longer than just a second. He gazed into the Prussian's eyes. He finally stopped and went to gather his things.

"Could I ask vhat the hell is going on?" Asked Prussia.

"Well.... I kidnapped you against my own will." He said.

"That's a little.... Contradicting." Said Prussia

"My brothers wanted to kidnap you and Germany. Your German." Specified Oliver. "In other words, they are making me do their dirty work."

Prussia's mouth gaped open. "Are they going to hurt Vest?!"

Oliver shook his head. "Not on my watch." He said simply. "Look, I need you to play dead for me."

Prussia gave him an odd glance, before closing his eyes and doing so. He felt the ropes being cut. He also felt the man grab his sleeve and began to drag him. It wasn't painful at all, oh no. It was actually calming in a way. He finally felt Oliver stop after a long while.

"Ok darling, wake up." Prussia did so. They were right back next to his house. Prussia had time to see a van driving away, and Oliver's face full of pure panic. Oliver ran into the house.

Prussia was confused, to say the least. He ran after. Oliver had looked all around the house. He had also grabbed a knife from the kitchen.

"What's going on?!" Yelled the Prussian.

"They kidnapped him." He said simply


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2015 ⏰

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