5. "Critical Condition."

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Addison's Pov

Hayden and I were flipping through the TV channels when we came across a news report, the news report was about a car accident that was a few miles down the road. When Kimmi King, the channel 6 news reporter, was standing on the scene of the accident. "Kimmi King reporting here from I-80 in Indiana where a semi truck had full impact on a Nissan Altima. This accident had one seriously injured, but no fatalities reported." The camera directed us to the car that was smashed, broken beyond repair, what I did see of the car was the tassel hanging from the rear-view mirror. The same colors as the one I had gotten from my high school graduation, blue and white. My only assumption I had, I didn't want to believe, the name of the person who was taken to the hospital was revealed and my heart sank. "The identity of man asleep while driving is Raine Archer, he is in critical condition." Before I knew it I was dragging Hayden to my car straight to the Eddie Morrison Hospital.

 Once we arrived my eyes caught a glimpse of an older woman about late forties, worry lines covering her face, bags under her eyes, hands holding onto her two daughters. This was Raine's family. Skyler had bags under her eyes too, hair very messy, she also had on a white t-shirt with pink stripes and black shorts that came down to her mid-thigh. Bea was sleeping on the right side of Ms. Archer in her princess footy pajamas, she looked so adorable in her pajamas. The reason we were seeing each other was to be there for Raine after this tragic and horrifying accident. "Addison." Ms. Archer whispers as she walks over to me with tears streaming down her tear-stained face. "Mom." I always called her that since she felt like my mother and since Raine's family was like my second family, we were always there for each other when times get hard, through good and bad. 

"Family of Raine Archer." The tall, board shouldered, familiar doctor almost questioning himself. The five of us stood up from the waiting room chairs, each of us with worry showing in our eyes, our eyes gleaming with hope that he'd be okay, that the one unspoken word would not happen today. "Raine has been scanned to see if there's any internal bleeding, or any damage, he does have a broken rib, and a broken arm other than that he's doing okay. Would you like to see him?" The doctor who was wearing a long I guess you can say lab coat with a what seemed like a rushed scrawl written across it, believe it or not I could tell what it said where Ms. Archer couldn't tell what it said. Dr. O'Brien, the same doctor who took care of me while I was put into the hospital a few days ago. My body stung all over again when I recalled that day's events, ache spread through my body like a wildfire. 

Walking down the hallway taking winding turns down random hallways before we reached Room 242 as it was shown on the plaque hanging next to the door. As we filed in Mom first who was holding Bea, Skyler, myself, then Hayden. When he saw his mom and sisters his face lit up his smile faded once his chocolate brown eyes met my own. "What-I-I thought you were still mad at me." As he spoke his eyes squeezed shut, he was replaying the past few days' events I assume.

Raine's Pov

As I laid on my bed forcing myself not to move to save the pain. Time ticked away minute after minute, second after second replaying the past few days' events. 

Celeste slept in the chair beside Addison, everything about her was beautiful, her brown eyes, soft luscious lips, long brown hair. As I spaced out Celeste whispered "Raine. She's awake." Once she finished her fragment of a sentence, I jolted up and raced to the chair next to her bed to hold her hand, comfort her, and reassure myself that she's okay. Her hand cold, but I didn't mind, all I wanted was her with me. "How are you feeling?" I managed to ask not caring whether or not my voice cracked. The next thing she asked made my heart sink. "I'm fine. What happened?" Tears threatening to spill from my eyes to keep Addison from seeing me crying I walked, no ran out. Celeste ran after me stopping me when I sat on one of the seats sitting in front of her room. She was calming me down, when she made the bold move to kiss me which I didn't deny was almost the best kiss I've ever had, but with Addison we had sparks. My eyes open throughout the kiss once they caught a glimpse of Addison, her eyes reflected hurt, jealousy, and disgust. Addison running back inside the hospital room, teary eyed and locking the door. Darting after her only to get a face full of door, I should've guessed that was going to happen. After a few minutes of my hopeless begging Dr. O'Brien approached me. 

"Excuse me, I need to get inside and talk with Ms. Tilley."  His voice concerned but he seemed to mask it well.

"Addison. It's Dr. O'Brien. Can I come in please?"  The door opened , the doctor walked in then shut again.

Going back to sitting in the chairs that sat in front of Addison's hospital room, I told Celeste that she should leave, that she didn't need to be there anymore. A familiar man walked past me with some clothes and entered Addison's room. That man was her father, he was like a father to me since I never met my own father. After a few minutes of waiting both of them walked out, Addison sending a death glare, then facing forward and continued to walk, my feet racing after her before my brain registered what was happening. Once I could reach out and touche her I did exactly that, she stopped dead in her tracks and growled "Let go." Her father realized that she wasn't following, so he turned around he must have seen a mark or something that I had left on her wrist and his fist connected with my face.

My family sat and talked with me while Addison and Hayden sat in the back of the room next to the door. Hours passed and my family left along with Hayden, so Addison sat next to me and we were in the middle of a conversation about this week's events. 

"So that girl made a move on you, but you pulled away?" Her voice so fragile, so fragile that it could be broken with one touch.

"Yes, she wanted to comfort me but that was the wrong way to comfort me. So what-what-what happened between you and him?" My voice cracking as the words tried to roll off my tongue.

"He delivered me the flowers you sent me once I read the letter I sat on the floor crying. Hayden was already inside since I let him in and he was doing the same thing Celeste was doing comforting me, he made the first move, then it escalated. We stopped once you came inside. I-I felt so guilty, I was hurt from what happened I thought Hayden would comfort me." That really stung, but knowing that she didn't mean any of it made me fell tons better.

Nurse Nicole was coming inside to tell us that visiting time was over, but I took the time to ask if Addison could say. "Is she eighteen?" With a nod of my head and a nod given back she was able to stay. Addison held my hand as I fell asleep, and so she did too.

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