𝐃𝐢𝐬𝐚𝐩𝐩𝐨𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐝|| 𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟏𝟖

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The next day, Y/n was holding her full bag thigh close to her chest, lost in her thoughts as the bus kept going to the University. Hobie was sitting just next to her, silent. She didn't ask him to stay quiet, but he understood she actually needed it.
Her hand wrapping thightly against her bag, feeling the law books inside. She was so tense abolut the test she had to do. It was going to be 50 minutes, with 100 questions to answer. So she had to be smart and quick, she didn't even have one minute at question, more like 30 seconds at question. Seemed impossible, but that University was prestigious.
She felt a warm touch on her arm, making her get out her own thoughts. Hobie's finger wrapped around her wrist, stroking it gently <<Have you eaten this morning?>>.
She looked up at him <<Ah... no I was too nervous>>.
Hobie's kind eyes darkened a bit, taking something from his pocket <<Bloody hell love, do you want to pass out during the freaking exam?>> he handed her an energetic bar, being worried about her own health <<I know ya don't like sweets, but you need it. Eat it all up.>>.
She sighed, opening it and biting it and chewing slowly <<Sorry, I couldn't help it this morning.>>.
<<I know, I know you too damn well.>> he stroke her wrist, she looked less tense but still worried. Her phone beeped, a text from Lily and her other friends.

to: Y/n
from: Lily.
Good luck with your test! <3
Give us a call when it's over
-Lily, Marianne, Lucas.

Y/n smiled gently at the text, texting a quick "thx guys <3" and sent it.

Finally the bus arrived to their stop. She stood up with Hobie and got off the bus with other students of course. The walked to the University, tension and anxiety building up inside of her. Hobie's low and comfortable voice whispering <<Breath in and out slowly.>>. And so she did.
When they got in with all the students, waiting to get in the room and start the test, she started reading a few pages just in case she forgot something. She wasn't the only one, of course.
After a while, a man came out and started reading name after name, as people got in, she prepared herself.
<<Y/n Y/s.>> the man called. She stood up, walking to the man just turning to Hobie just one laast time, seeing him with a sweet smile and a thumb up, before she got in the room. Hobie sighed, not knowing what to hope for. Her to pass but study something she doesn't like? Or for her to fail and keep singing for her band? Surely the second but he didn't want her to fail. He knew that if she did, she would feel bad.
Hobie remained outside, sighing, walking fort and back, waiting for the time to pass.

When fifty minutes passed, all the students walked outside. She did the same, looking out for Hobie. She looked so tired. He raised an hand to be seen, as they sat, drank some water and talked about the test, waiting for the results.
After ten minutes, the men who called people in, put outside the room a big paper and immediately all students went checking the results. She stood up and went closer seeing too, Hobie remained in the back. He didn't know what to hope, but hoping she would be okay in the future.
She came back after a bit.
Hobie's eyes widened, not about the fact she failed, about the fact she looked hurt, defeated. His arms wrapping around her small figure. She just hugged him, feeling guilty for not being enought. His warmth made her feel protected, as she cries silently. His hands stroking her hair gently, holding her closer <<You did what you could.>>
<<I could have done better.>>
<<This tests doesn't show how smart you are, love.>>
<<I failed.>>
<<That doesn't mean anything. You may have failed this shitty governement's test. Tests are often standardised and may not account for diverse learning styles, or individual strengths and weaknesses. This lead to misrepresentations of a student's true abilities.>>.
<<But I focused more on music, not on studying.>>
<<And? At least you did something you liked. Did you?>>.
<<Yes... my mother will be so mad.>>
<<No she won't, love, she's your mother. She will understand.>> he tried to reassure her. But he didn't know how really she would react.

<<Mom I went to do the test.>>
<<Oh awesome! When the results will be out?>>
<<They are out already.>>
<<You passed! Oh darling I am so proud->>
<<Why are you making that face. Aren't you happy?>>
<<I failed.>>.
Her mother looked at her in a way she never did. Maybe she looked at somebody like that. Yes, when her father died. But it was slightly different. When they told her about her husband's death, she was surprised, not wanting to believe it, she was in pure shock and diesbelief.
This time her face was in shock and diesfbelief too but soon her face changed in anger.
<<Mom wait a second...>>
<<How is it possible!? You failed!?>>
<<Yes mom I know->>
<<How much?>>
<<The points! How many?>>
<<Ah... it was like 16/50>>
<<...So low? How is it possible?>>
<<I know mom, but it was a difficoult test.>>
<<I gave you everything I could to give you a happy and easy life. You think that I work so hard for nothing? Is that true!?>>.
<<What? No no I don't think so.>>
<<I know you do. You think I am inferior to you because you had always magnificent grades, and now you failed. You know what? You deserve it. Because you are the inferior one!>>
<<No mom I was scared to disappoint you.>>
<<In fact, you did!>>
<<Of course you did! I gave you books, internet, my whole life to make you study and have a wonderful job. You had opportunities I never dreamed of!>> she shouted so hard.
Y/n heart pounded so fast, her head spinning <<I never wanted to be a lawyer... I did it just for you...>>.
<<If you loved me, if you truly cared about your poor and lonely mother, you would have put yourself in it! But no, you were so superficial!>>
<<No I...>>
<<Because you wanted to be what? A singer? Without me, you would be under a bridge if I had let you do that. You are good at nothing without me.>>
Y/n head started spinning harder and harder, feeling bad, being hurt as if her words were like a dagger, cutting her skin, getting into her heart, hurting and beating it to death. Her words were so hard, harsh, her own heart believed these words were true, her mother was right, she was wrong. Her head, not knowing how, was still rational. But her emotions were stronger then her own thoughts.
<<You know what? You made me so mad. You can just get out of here and be a singer! Go on!>>
<<Mom... please...>>
She opened the door <<Get out of here! You showed me how I was wrong about you. I am so disappointed in you!>>.
Y/n head didn't connected anymore. She felt so bad, as if she needed to throw up badly, her chest hurting. She didn't know how, but she found herself out the door, now walking for the streets alone. And, worse, it started raining.

𝐁𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐑𝐢𝐯𝐚𝐥𝐲|| 𝐇𝐨𝐛𝐢𝐞 𝐁𝐫𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫Where stories live. Discover now