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I rolled Billie on top of me, our lips locked and arms sealed around each other. Billie grabbed at my hair and pulled my head back sharply against the pillows and I winced, but the pain was soon forgotten when his lips drifted down my neck. I closed my eyes and swallowed, trying my best to control myself and think of a good enough reason to justify what we were doing. The thoughts shot out of my head and we're replaced with a sharp nip of pain as Billie bit down on my neck. "Ow, hey!" I scolded, snapping my eyes open to glare at him. "Not so rough! That hurt!"

"Then stop thinking." He smirked, "I know that look on your face all too well, just don't worry about anything- relax and enjoy yourself."

I forced a smile which I was sure looked fake, but either Billie was too distracted to notice or he chose to ignore it because he was soon exploring my ear with his tongue.
I had to hold back from giggling; I was a little ticklish when it came to my ears, but he got bored quickly and moved back to my neck and chest.

Billie pawed at my boxers (I had been sleeping in them) to try and remove them but as I was laying down they were stuck underneath me, so I wriggled free of them myself.
"Better" he grinned against my mouth, his hot breath burning my lips.
He didn't spend any time preparing himself or I to go all the way, not even a quick grab, and got ready for me to enter him straight away. I thought it was a little forward seeing as we'd only done it once before and I wasn't even... well, fully ready yet... but I gulped and tried to forget the nervous weight that was crushing my stomach.

"Want some help?" Billie asked, swiftly taking me into his mouth. I gasped. Yep... that'll do it...
He grinned at me and I chuckled back at him. What were we doing?

********a few hours earlier********
I went back to bed feeling more relaxed than the past few days. It was surprising how much stress had effected my sleeping pattern and I was out for the count practically as soon as my head hit the pillow.
It was a sound and peaceful sleep, that was until I heard a knock on my door...
I got up from the soft mattress and lazily opened the door.
"Billie?" I rubbed a hand over one eye, watching my dark haired friend wring his hands nervously. "What are you doing? Its" I checked my watch, "three in the morning."

"I couldn't sleep." He said, looking past me and chewing his lip.

"What do you want me to do about it?"

"I was wondering if I could come in?" His emerald orbs glistened hopefully up at me and I almost smiled at how adorable he looked in the dim light.

I remembered myself quickly and shook my head, "I dunno, Bill, I don't think that's a good idea."

"Why? I just want to come in, I wanted to sleep in with you... I've got a lot on my mind and could use the company."

"We both know what happened the last time you did that..."

"Come on, dude, please? I just wanna crash in here. That's all."

I reluctantly stood aside, unable to take the pouting from him any longer, "fine, but only for tonight."

Billie was panting wildly and we parted from each other. I could feel my head spinning as if I had run a 10 mile marathon and my petite lover didn't look any better. I was exhausted and we lay next to each other, breathing heavily and grinning.

"Fucking hell..." Billie gasped for air, turning his head to face me.

"I know..." I stared back at him. "That was amazing..."
And you know the worst part? I was so filled with mixed feelings that I wasn't even guilty...

"Wanna go again?" Billie's eyes sparkled and his lips spread into a wide grin.

I was nowhere near ready for anything other than my duvet and was already drifting off, "you know what? Maybe another time, I'm beat..."

He shrugged, "can't get it up? I tell ya, I'm ready for at least another two rounds."

I laughed at him. He was only joking but it still made me feel bad. "Sorry."

"Hey, I'm just messing around." He reached out for my hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze. "Night, Tré."

"Goodnight." I replied and he leaned over and kissed me deeply.

"You sure you don't want to go again?"

"Goodnight, Billie Joe." I turned the light off, shaking my head in amusement.

"Kidding" he shuffled around on the bed and I felt him move next to me, so I put and arm around him and let him rest his head on my chest. It wasn't long before I was listening to his deep breaths which encouraged me to also drop off into a peaceful sleep.

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