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"Do you really love him?" Ashton asked me, both of his hands gripping my wrists. His eyes staring deeply into mine. "Can you answer me that, Sky?"

I gulped. "Of course, of course I love him! I married him." My head was spinning. "Why don't you get it Ashton? I do love him!"

Ashton abruptly let go of my wrists and stepped back. "No."

What? "What do you mean 'no'?" I asked, confused.

Ashton just shook his head, beginning to pace around me.

"Ashton, I'm sorry you threw away your marriage waiting for something to come from us, but we're just friends. Always have been. We're both married now. It's time to grow up and move on." I moved towards him, grabbing his shoulder and causing him to stop his pacing.

"No! You don't love him! And before you try to say you do-". He stopped yelling and looked me in the eyes once again. "Before you try to defend this 'love' that you might have had for him once, let me tell you how I know that you don't love him. You're only reason for loving him is the fact that you married him. You never mention anything about him that you actually like. He doesn't make you happy. He doesn't make you smile and he doesn't make you laugh. You may have loved him once before, but you damn sure don't love him now."

Before you could reply, Ashton had already turned on his heel and exited up the stairs. It wasn't long before you heard the slamming of his front door and the engine of his car starting up.

"Ashton, you're right..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2015 ⏰

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