Chapter five

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Monday 1:00
Rachel POV
My wedding was Friday and the brutal breakup between me and sam was Saturday and yesterday he passed by to pick up his stuff. Last week had been a pretty hectic week, oh and did I mention Finn practically moved himself in my house! I don't say anything because Chris loves having him around. No one knows about sam and i's break up except Santana, Britney, Kurt, and Blaine. After I fought with sam, around lunch time I texted everyone that I was home now, and free. San and Kurt were super confused so they passed by with their partners demanding to know what's going on. Kurt and Blaine were sympathetic and comforting me while all Santana said was, 'wankyy'.  This Friday I hold a barbecue to announce my breakup, it was Santana and Britney's idea. Right now I am talking with Finn because apparently him and Santana were talking yesterday about how he has to tell me or she will. So me being me I walked up to him and told him to tell me what the big secret was and now here I am on the couch facing Finn, waiting.

Finn POV
Rachel didn't get married, which I like to call a win. On the downside I have to tell her about what happened because Santana is warning me to tell her. Unfortunately Rachel heard, and her being her, she demanded to know what my secret was, so here I am about to spill my guts.
"Finn, I'm waiting, Chris isn't going to be napping for forever you know" Rachel said
"What I'm about to tell you is about when I joined the army" I told her, she just stiffened and nodded for me to continue
"I wrote to you for a year, and I never got a response, and when I heard that Chris was now in our custody, I decided to leave the army for a while, they didn't let me go till the next year in June and" I was telling her when she said
"Wait, I wrote to you for the nine months and you never responded either" she told me all confused
"I know, I've known, actually but when I came back I went to Lima hoping to find you there and mr.schue told me you were in New York with Chris and San and everyone else, about to get married, I was so heartbroken I thought you forgot about me so I went to my mom and Burt and they told me you had written to me for nine months, so I got confused and I decided to crash your wedding, so a couple weeks before the wedding I went and found your house and sam was on the lawn with Chris and, I went up to Chris and told him I was his dad and he got confused and sam told him to go play a little further while we talked, turns out sam had been stealing our letters he told me he burned all of them and he was planning to take Chris and you from me, so I told him I was going to stop your wedding, he told me he had been planning to marry you since we broke up and if I ever told you he said he would take you and Chris away from me once you guys got married." I ended out of breath and looked at Rachel who had her hand over her mouth, she looked so shocked and she had tears.
Rachel POV
I can't believe sam went through all that trouble to keep me and Finn from each other. I knew there was a good explanation why he never responded. I can't believe I was about to marry some one crazy! I'm still not sure what me and Finn are though I was so mad at him when he put me on that train and decided to join the army. Which Apparently he's still in. I hated him, because I loved him so much. I still wear the promise ring he gave me when I was pregnant and the old engagement ring for special occasions. I don't want him to think I hate him so I do what has always made me feel safe.
I hug Finn.
Finn POV
I was about to leave thinking she hated me never wanting to see me again, when she hugged me and took me by surprise. I missed her warmth so much and I decided to hug her back. We just kind of laid there hugging each other, I never wanted to let go of her.

It's been too long ||finchel sequel||Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora