Chapter 14 - Zip-locked

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Zip, Oliver and Edward traverse throughout the hallways, making their way to the other lab.

Though, while walking, Zip suddenly got a thought. Which was followed by a wave of worry.

Shoot. My brother.

The thought caused her to go into a small panic. She almost forgot about her little brother.

But she had to calm down.

Zip could only pray that he was alright.

Well.. Now that they were out here..

I suppose checking on him isn't a bad idea.

"Uhm.. Guys?" Oliver and Edward turned around, hearing Zip's sheepish call for them.

"What is it, Zip?" Edward asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Can we make a detour real quick? I just got to.. y'know, check something."

The two looked at each other for a second, before Edward turned to Zip and nodded. Oliver sighed reluctantly.

"Yeah.. yeah. Lead the way."
And so, the three made their way to where, if Zip remembers, the kindergarten classroom was located.

There was a rush in her step, and it was quite evident in her body language and expression that she was worried about something.

Edward wondered about that, but Oliver already knew why.


Stepping in front of the door to the kindergarten, Zip composed herself and tried to calm herself down.

Her heart was beating rather rapidly from running and anticipation. She just hoped her brother was fine.

She mustered up the courage, placing her hand on the knob.

She struggled to get it open, but with Oliver's help, she managed to burst it open.

Instead of the lively atmosphere that usually enveloped the classroom, a pungent and foul smell greeted them.

"Ugh.. It smells like [똥] in here.." Oliver groaned, covering his nose.

Zip's body stiffened when she processed the smell, taking in the sight of the dark classroom.

Worry immediately filled her heart, as she was too nervous to step in.


It smelled like blood.

Her hands trembled, but she knew she must go in.

If by any chance her brother was still alive, then she had to find him and keep him safe.

After moments of hesitation, She grasped the top of her poncho and put it over her nose to effectively block out the odor.

Oliver and Edward watched as she slowly went deeper into the room, staying by the doorway as to not bother her.

Zip brought out a flashlight that she found in Bloomie's lab, turning it on and directing it to the dark parts of the classroom.

The first thing she saw was a mutilated body of a child..

Gosh, this was terrifying...

Zip wanted to puke at the sight, but held it in.

With a nervous gulp, she carefully searched around the classroom.

It was like a double-edged sword. She wanted to see her brother, but at the same time, she didn't want to see his corpse. But she had to make sure of his condition.

Classroom Madness: Parasite Panic! [FPE AU]Where stories live. Discover now