Chapter 14

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This story is going to become one hell of a roller coaster now. Yay.

Chapter 14

I've climbed a social ladder I never knew existed. I had to go to a work party with Mohammed and all the people there seemed to be stunned by my presence. A lot of people came forward to greet me and I stated my piece. Apparently, I'm a lot prettier than what was expected. Especially as a mother of three. I met this really nice researcher, who works alongside Mohammed. Her name's Cassidy and she also went to the same high school as Mohammed. She was extremely friendly and talked about her research in detail. All in all the party was fun, but exhausting. I was happy to come home and hug my babies. I made sure to not wear any makeup or perfume. I'm no longer Mohammed's trophy, I am going to wear what I like and keep my children happy. When I needed his validation, he put me down and made me feel worthless. I no longer need that anymore.

I've been getting closer to Cassidy, we occasionally get lunch together. She seems to be obsessed with stories about myself. And she likes touching my ring. I asked her information about herself. She's been divorced before and apparently her husband cheated on her. It's pretty sad.
I told Amanda about her, and Amanda said to be cautious. Her exact words were, 'Be careful of that slimy bitch. Trying to take my fucking position,' Later Mace told me, Amanda had gotten into the wolfsbane cabinet and just drunk a bit too much.
I miss her, and her children. They are all adorable. Haya has a science fair for school today and I'm excited to see what she's written.

So I'm lucky that I only have to work the mornings and evenings since there is another doctor, who specifically asks for on call and late night shifts by himself. But today I was called in and I finally got to meet the mysterious coworker of mine. Xavier Alucard. He's extremely handsome and charismatic. But so creepy. The moment we met in the lab he dropped everything and walked up to me. It felt like déjà vu as he tried to corner me.
"Nice to meet you, I'm Rabiah Ahmed," I said putting forward my hand to stop him from getting closer and trying to flash him my wedding ring. He paused but then swiftly grabbed my hand. I wrenched it from him and glared at him.
"Don't you dare touch me again," I warned him. He seemed taken aback but grinned at me.
"I think I'm in love with you,"
"And I love someone else," Who was certainly not Mohammed. After that we got called out to surgery and I vowed to keep my guard against him at all times.

Mohammed comes late almost every night except for Friday's. Apparently research is in full swing and grants are flowing like rivers. Which is great for him. Not for me. He comes home temperamental and annoyed occasionally. If I don't have dinner up or the house cleaned he starts yelling. Hence the reason I got a maid. She comes in when he leaves and cleans up the place in about two hours and then I can head off to work. Then I come home and pick up my babies. He stopped throwing stuff because Hafsa is usually with me at all times. She knows everything and can control her father pretty well. I'm grateful for that.

Hafsa came home today without any of her books, and broke down crying when she saw me.
"Ammi, take me out of school please. I don't want to anymore," She wailed, scaring Hussain, the resident crybaby, to also start crying.
"One minute," I said, flustered, never seeing my daughter break down this bad. She usually cried a little and sniffled before just hugging me.
"Okay, okay," I picked up the crying Hussain, who began to calm down and nuzzled himself into my shoulder. I led the other two to the couch and sat them down. Today was one of the days that Mohammed usually came home late.
"Baby, why do you want to leave school?" I asked, stroking Hussain's hair, helping him to get groggy and fall asleep.
"Because everyone is so mean! They make fun of me, because I'm quiet, and I never get invited to groups and I just hate them!" Hafsa said, her face slowly turning red the more she talked. It was adorable. I tried not to giggle. When she was done ranting, I moved forward to hug her.
"Would you do homeschooling then?" I asked her. She looked up at me with her big eyes and nodded.
"Well that's our solution then. I'll talk to your Abu tonight and let him know. We'll see what he says," Hafsa pouted, but said nothing, hugging me instead.
So when he came home at like 3 am (I took a nap in between). I had a little late night snack laid out. He seemed surprised to see me awake.
"What happened?" He asked sitting down, making himself a plate.
"I'm thinking about putting Hafsa into homeschooling. What do you think?" Mohammed turned to look at me and then just shrugged.
"If she wants to, and you think it's fine, I'm okay with withdrawing her," I was surprised was an understatement. I was shocked.
"Um, okay," Was all I could get out and Mohammed smiled at me. I froze on the inside, reverting back to my newly married self. Giddy and naive. Before I knew it, it was morning and I was alone on my bed without my clothes. My heart hardened once again for the umpteenth time.

I was on my lunch break, Amanda was going to join me because she was visiting. All the kids were at my place. Mohammed was on a business trip and Mace had some things to do a city away. While we ate, a man dressed smartly in a suit came up to our table and asked.
"Are either of you acquaintances of Cassidy Green?"  I nodded my head, without really thinking. He turned to me and gave a smile.
"I need to discuss something about her. I'm John Thrum, she's my ex wife." I raised my eyebrows, he certainly didn't seem to think much of it, because he pulled up a chair and sat with us. Amanda's brow knit up in annoyance but she didn't say anything.
"Whatever she told you about me, is a lie," Now my attention was solely on him.
"What do you mean?" Amanda asked before I could say anything. John turned to look at Amanda and seemed to be taken aback by her attractiveness.
"Umm well, uh, I never cheated on her. I was completely faithful. On the contrary, she was the one who cheated,"
My face probably held surprise while Amanda muttered 'I knew it' under her breath. John went on to recount the whole story, before pulling out his phone.
"This was the picture I took before we got our divorce," Amanda took the phone from him and stared at the picture before gasping.
"What, what happened?" I asked, bending to look over her shoulder. My heart stopped beating when I saw. Next to Cassidy stood my husband, arm in arm entering the hotel. My heart has finally shattered.

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