Draco Malfoy x Reader: Butterbeard

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Reader's POV
I walked into The Three Broomsticks. I looked around to find any of my friends. There was Blaise, my best friend, but he was snogging Pansy. I don't think I wanna drink butterbeer with the two lovebirds. As I walk further into the inn, I notice Draco a few seats away. I'm not surprised he moved away from Pansy and Blaise. I sat down and took off my scarf. "Hullo." I mumbled. It was really cold outside. Draco turned to look at me and grunted in response.
Just then, Madam Rosmerta walked by. I took my chance and ordered two butterbeers. I turned to face Draco and smiled. "Are you alright?"
"No! Blaise goes around kissing everybody! And it doesn't even matter to him that I'm here alone now!"
"You're not alone anymore, Draco. I'm here. Isn't that good?" I hoped he'd say it is, because I have had a large crush on him since second year. Three years have passed and he is still always on my mind.

Draco's POV
"Of course it's good. You're my best friend," I said, "and that means it's always good when you're around."
(Y/N) smiled. I can't let her know I love her... Yet.
Just then, Madam Rosmerta placed two large mugs of butterbeer on our table. I looked over at Blaise. He was now under Pansy, who wrapped her legs around Blaise's waist and is sitting on top of him. Just as Madam Rosmerta asked if we would like something else, I said, "Yes, could you please ask those two to stop making out full? It's grossing out the other customers." She nodded and went over to the other table. I looked at (y/n) and grinned. This was already fun.

Reader's POV
I was really enjoying myself. Then, Draco took a sip of his butterbeer. He gulped half of the jug down in one go, and as he was lowering his glass, I noticed a golden yellow stripe above his upper lip. I laughed. "Draco! You... You have a... Moustache! A butterbeer moustache! A... Butterbeard!" I said in between laughs. His eyes widened in realisation as he finally understood what I had said. Draco grabbed a napkin from the table and grinned. He laughed and wiped off his butterbeard.
"Genius," was all he said.

Draco's POV
This was a happy moment and I decided that I should confess my love to (y/n) now. "Hey... (Y/n)?"
"Yeah?" She turned to look at me.
"I... Have something to tell you."
"I'm listening." She grinned. Man, this is hard.
"Okay, well... Uhmm... I wanna thank you, for always being there for me since year 1. I just wanna say... I... Love you." Seeing the surprised expression on her face, I immediately assumed the worst. "I... Love you as a... Friend, of course."
"Just as a friend, Draco?"
"As... A really close friend." She seemed sad now. So maybe she does love me... More than a friend? I'll try.
"Okay, fine. I love you more than as a friend. I have had a crush on you since first year, and I just never knew how to tell you. Please don't let this ruin our friendship," I begged.
"No, I won't. I love you too, Draco," she blushed slightly.
"Will you be my girlfriend?"
She thought carefully about it.
"Only if you do the butterbeard again!"

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