"For You"

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Hey guys!

Welcome to BOOK 2 of my graphic shop!

It was getting a little crowded in my last shop so I decided to open up a new branch haha
I will be posting future cover requests here from now on until this shop gets crowded too.

The shop got it's name, "For You", from BTS' Japanese single, For You. Pretty obvious.
I'm basically in love with the song and have been listening to it non-stop ever since it came out. And I don't think I'll ever get sick of the song any time soon.

Yes, Taehyung's on the cover. Why not Jungkook, you ask? Cause Kim Taehyung IS A FUDGING BIAS WRECKER--- *coughs* Cause Kim Taehyung is a cute little sht that deserves all the attention he gets.(Forever loyal to Jungkook tho)

I hope you guys like all my works and continue supporting my covers like in the last shop~

This graphic shop is 'for you' guys :)

(I got a bit too cheesy there, huh?)


"For You" Graphic Shop {Book 2} CLOSED!Where stories live. Discover now