First Day

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I finally arrived. It was nighttime already. I walked in the calm and empty streets, trying to find the school. I was going to stay in its dorms, as I had nowhere else to stay in.

After hours of wandering cluelessly, I found myself right in front of the school.

It was enormous. It was almost like a castle. The dim yellow lights around it gave it an old and vintage look. I loved it.
I took a deep breath, and walked in.

It was even more impressive from the inside. The floors were squeaky clean, almost shining. The main hall was extremely spacious. There were many fancy tables, making the place look even more luxurious.

"Hello." A gentle and deep voice emerged from behind.

"Hi! I'm- I'm Michelle." I stuttered as I looked at him.

He looked ethereal.

His hair was white and long, camouflaging with his abnormally pale skin. He was wearing a long black coat.
He looked like he came straight out of a dream.

"Hello Michelle. I'm guessing you're our newest student?" He smiled.

"Yes! Do you know where the dorms are?" I asked nervously.

"Of course. Just go up these stairs, turn right, then left. You should check for the number you saw on the letter you received. It's your room number." He explained.

I nodded and thanked him, then headed to my room.

I walked up the stairs. They were huge, almost like those I'd see in castles and palaces in my childhood movies. It all felt magical. The hallways were quite big.

"Miss Caddel?" A young girl, almost my age, called for my name.


"Oh hi! I'm Delilah. I'm in the room next to you, and I was supposed to show you around. Sorry for being late."

"Oh, it's okay."

"Speaking of, how did you find your way here?" She asked.

"Ah, I met a man in the hall and he described the way for me."

"That must be Mr. Clyde. Anyway, why don't I show you around tomorrow? It's getting late, and I think you need some rest."

"Good idea. I'm really feeling sleepy." I yawned.

"Great! I'll lead you to your room, come with me." She said.

She seemed really nice.

I got into my room, and it was even better than I expected.

The bed was huge, same as the closet. The bathroom was nicely decorated. The room was perfect.


The next day, I woke up at 5 am as written on the instructions notice on the wall. I washed up and changed my clothes, and as soon as I was about to go out I heard a knock on the door.

"Hey Michelle! Ready for your tour?" Said Delilah.

"Oh, yes! Let's go."

We walked in the hallway. It was even longer than I remember.

"I should also introduce you to my friends. They're so sweet!"

It seemed that everyone here was nice and seemed to get along well.

"Delilah! I've been searching for you." A girl said.

Her accent seemed a bit weak, so I assumed she wasn't from here.

"Ah, this is Khadijah. This is Michelle." Said Delilah.

"Hi! You must be the new student." She smiled.

Later, Delilah showed me almost around the whole place, but we got tired so we went to the cafeteria to grab a snack.

Soon, almost all the other students were in there too.

"Oh right, I forgot to tell you, we're supposed to come here every morning so that Mr. Clyde will divide us into classes."

Mr. Clyde, the one I met yesterday? Finally, I'll see him again! Something about him was just so attractive.

"Oh there he is." Said Khadijah.

I take it back.

That was not the same guy I talked to yesterday, at all. He looked like he was in his 40s, he was chubby and short with a brown beard and a shaved head.

The guy I met yesterday looked like he was in his early twenties.

"Are you sure that's Mr. Clyde? This is definitely not the man I met yesterday." I whispered.

"Really? I don't know. It's usually him who welcomes new students." Said Delilah in confusion.

"Good morning students. Before I start, we have a new student, Michelle." He pointed to me.

Everyone looked at me, some in friendly looks, some looked in disgust, and it was making me anxious more than I already was.

"Anyway, let's start diving you into classes now."

Luckily, I wasn't alone in my class, I was with Khadijah.

"You seem to be really lucky," She smiled, "we're going to be taught by the most talented teacher in this school."

"Nice. Is that him?"

A young man in his 30s stepped in, and all the other students stood in their positions quickly. He had black hair and a tan skin.

"Hello students. I'm Armand. I will be your teacher for today."

Then we began practice. It was pretty hard, as that teacher was even stricter than I expected. It was really fun though.


"So, how was your first lesson?" Khadijah asked.

"Pretty good. I enjoyed it."

"That's good to hear! We'll be having another lesson in exactly two hours, same teacher and class. I really need to go to my room now though, to get some things done. You can explore around." She said.

"Oh, sure. See you later."

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