Chapter 1

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Did Jess have to go to the trip? And now I'm missing her like never before. I know that I usually bickered around with her for no apparent reason, but that doesn't mean I don't love her. Jess is Sara's daughter. She's literally like my sister from another mother and I absolutely adore her.

After my parents died in a car accident when I was seven, Sara took me in. Sara was my mother's closest friend. Thank god for her, or I would've been left to rot in an orphanage. Despite her bleakness and neglection towards me, I know she loves me. Maybe. Well, I like to believe she does. It's just that my mother was her only friend, and her death left Sara a little bitter. Even though it's been 14 years since the incident, I don't think she's yet accepted me completely. Moreover I know I remind her of mom in every way. We basically are look-alikes accept that my mother had blue eyes, while mine are a deeper shade of green from my father. I also have her brown hair and Sara once said I was just an inch or two taller than my mom was, which is 5'2" and not so tall after all.

Anyway, now that Jess wasn't here, even my room felt empty. It's only a week without her and the silence is getting on my nerves. How will I cope when I move out?

"Lizzie! Wake up, wake up, wake up!" I woke up as the sweet music from hell started blazing through my eardrums. I'm kidding, that was Jess's terrifying shrill voice screaming into my ears while I lay there totally out of it.

"God, Jess! What do you want?" I let out a groan.

"Please, please, please? You need to see this- I swear, if you're mad at me after, I'll let you bash my head in. Wake up!" Just a day since she got back and she's already getting on my freaking nerves.

"Jess, you can go back to your trip, I don't want you anymore." I groaned louder and pulled the covers over my head.

"Just open your eyes, darn it!" Jess insisted, pulling the blanket off of me. I opened my eyes to see her jumping up and down on my bed.

"Aaaaa-----" she pulled my hair. No one pulls my hair and gets away with it! "This is war!" I shouted and lunged at her. Immediately, she was on the ground and I was on top of her, groping at her hair. Until I noticed the blue envelope in her hand. I raised an inquiring eyebrow at her.

"That's exactly what I've been trying to tell you?" She rolled her eyes at me as I frowned and got off of her.

"Give me that!" I said as I snatched it from her hand.

"I'm gonna leave you to it," Jess said, but before she left the room she winked at me, subtly and added, "Calls for a treat."

I arched my eyebrows at her confused before turning my attention back to the envelope that I now held in my hand. Now what could this be? Definitely not from Aunt Betty, because she always uses a red envelope, because obviously, 'red is the colour of blood'; certainly not from my previous workplace because they used white for the envelope, and the huge monogram was pretty hard to miss; and it's not like Sara let me pay any bills. Who could bother enough to write me a letter?

I traced my hand along the edge of the envelope. There was a monogram on it. Looking closely, I gasped. Costello Enterprises Limited.

I had recently applied for a job interview here. I quit my last job because I worked for a good 14 hours a day and yet the pay was miserably low. I couldn't feed off of Sara anymore, I was starting to feel like a burden to her, and she never assured me otherwise. I couldn't sleep on her couch forever now, could I? Not that I actually slept on her couch, she's actually very fond of her couch and would never let anyone sleep on it, but that's besides the point. Plus she's already given me her entire attic to occupy, so I couldn't really complain.

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