Chapter 3

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My body jolted up as I woke up to the sound of pained cries coming from the other room. Quickly, I turned to my alarm clock which read 4:27am and scrambled out of bed, not bothering to put on a shirt, I made my way to the living room as quick as I could to find Harry crying in his sleep,  "Please, no, please stop, please no no no no" the boy whimpered and begged. I crouched down beside him and shook him lightly to wake him up, "Hey, Harry, wake up, shh wake up Harry, it's only a nightmare." I said softly but he wouldn't wake. I started to shake him a bit rougher in hopes that he would wake up, but he only started crying more, "Shit." I muttered to myself. I got up and lifted his body to sit up, which he cowered away from, trying to get out of my hold. "No, Harry, shh, it's okay, it's only me.. it's Louis." I said, hoping he could hear. I sat on the couch and pulled Harry into my lap so I could hold him still and wake him up. "Harry, you're okay, wake up, it's only me, Louis. Harry, you're dreaming, it's okay." I rambled softly to him. 

After a few moments he finally started to wake up and his sobs became whimpers and his fighting to escape my arms stopped and turned into clinging onto my body for dear life. I didn't know what to do so I just sat there and did my best to soothe him. The clock ticked by and soon it was 5:09, Harry had not fallen asleep, nor has he said anything yet, he just sat in my arms, whimpering. "Harry, are you okay?" I finally asked, "They wanted to hurt me. They did hurt me. They wouldn't let me go Louis, 'was so scared" He cried softly into my shoulder. "Shh, don't worry, it was only a dream, you're okay Harry." I said as I rubbed soothing circles into his back. I felt him nod in my shoulder, before he lifted his head slightly, "What time is it?" He croaked out, "A little after 5," I replied, "You should try falling back asleep," I offered, which he shook his head to. "I'm scared,", he said with his voice just hardly a whisper. "I'll sit with you,". And with that, he curled into my chest and shut his eyes. I could tell he didn't fall asleep for a while, but I didn't bother him, I let him sit there curled into my side, breathing shaky breaths, by the time he did fall asleep, I myself was ready to fall asleep as well, I adjusted myself on the couch to get more comfortable, being careful not to much Harry too much, and I let myself slowly drift to sleep.

By the time I woke up, Harry was still sound asleep, he looked like an angel to be honest, and I didn't have the heart to wake him or move him so I sat there. I turned on the TV and watched a cartoon until I felt the younger boy shift in my arms. His eyes fluttered open and flickered around before meeting mine, "G'morning sleepy" I greeted with a soft smile. He rubbed his eyes with the back of his hand and stretched his body out. "What time is it?" He asked and I replied with a shrug, "No idea.". He got up off of my lap and stretched out once more followed by a strangled sound coming from his mouth, I let out a soft chuckle and stood up as well, "Why don't you go freshen up, you can take a shower if you want, towels are in there, you'll see them. I'm going to start on breakfast." I said before heading towards the kitchen. I listened for him to make his way to the bathroom, which he did, before starting to cook. I decided on making a simple breakfast of scrambled eggs, bacon and toast, as I just finished plating it out and setting them on the table with 2 cups of orange juice harry strolled in, he was wearing his pants from yesterday and his shirt was just hanging over his shoulder, I guess he couldn't  be bothered to put it on, but Louis couldn't say he was against it. 

"What did you make us?" Harry asked, strolling into the kitchen, sitting at the table next to Louis, "Nothing special, eggs, bacon and toast" He answered and took the first bite of his eggs followed by a sip of orange juice. He and Harry ate in peace, it was nice having someone to eat breakfast with at the table again, ever since his sister moved out he hadn't really bothered to sit down in the mornings for breakfast, or have it at all really. Once they both finished Harry stood up to collect their empty dishes and glasses,

"So when should we leave?" Louis asked, standing up as well and Harry just shrugged, "I'm ready when you are." He said over his shoulder, rinsing the plates off. "Yeah, okay. I'm just going to hop in the shower quickly and then we can take off?" He suggested and left the kitchen when he got a nod from Harry who was washing the dishes. Louis made his way to his room to gather clothes and then headed to the bathroom, taking a very quick shower, drying off and getting dressed. He spent a few minutes styling his hair, meanwhile Harry in the kitchen was just finishing up, drying and putting the dishes away in their respective places. 

"Ready to go?" Louis spoke up once he emerged into the kitchen, he received a happy nod from Harry and both men went to put on shoes and light jackets. They got into Louis' car, agreeing to go through a drive through while still in London to grab something to eat later on when they got hungry. The radio played quietly in the background, "Oooh I like this song!" Louis exclaimed and turned the volume up, singing along to the radio and dancing as much as his seatbelt would allow him, Harry didn't know the words so he just dances a bit in his seat, it was a good song for sure, "What's the song called?" He asked Louis, "Chocolate!" He replied with a grin, not even having to think about his answer for a second, he absolutely loved the band who sang it. 

After a few short hours of driving they reached their destination of Harry's home town, Harry chewing on his lip nervously, which Louis noticed, "Everything okay?" He asked and got a nod from the taller man, "Just nervous.. I didn't call my mum, she doesn't know I'm coming with a guest so to speak, or even coming at all." he admitted, "Well you can give her a call now," Louis offered and began to pull his phone out of his pocket but Harry just shook his head, "It should be good, I don't think they'll be home", and with that Louis just nodded. 

Harry gave him directions to his house, and they slowly came to a stop in front of the lawn, Louis turned off the car and unbuckled his seatbelt, Harry got out of the car and waved for Louis to follow, which he did, "If my mum and step dad are home, I greatly apologize." He warned before pushing the door to the house open, and to his pleasure, the house was emptied of people. Harry gave Louis a quick little run down of his way around the house and brought him to his old room quickly, grabbing one bag that was already packed, and another empty one which he started shoving clothes in to. Once the small duffel bag was full he put the last bit of clothes in another bag, about the same size and started putting in his few personal belongings as well. Louis took his time to look around the room, but once he noticed how fast Harry was moving he decided to help out, "I'll take these to the car" He offered and picked up the two packed bags and let Harry finish the packing upstairs, once the bags were in the back seat of the car Louis made his way back up the stairs, "Just to let you know, you might want to bring as much as you can, I don't have much extra around my house, and we're going to fix up my sisters room to make it yours, and looking at my current budgets, we should take as much from here as we can if that's alright with you," Louis explained and Harry nodded. They couldn't take much of the furniture but they took out all of Harry's clothes, personal items, decorations, etc that were laying around the room. Louis started taking the last 4 bags down the hall towards the stairs, as Harry was still in his room just closing up the last box, he stopped dead in his tracks when he heard the front door slam shut, and he heard Harry mutter a cuss from his room, "Who are you?" The tall man asked, and Harry came right in time, "that's Louis, but we'll be going now," He said and Harry did his best to nudge Louis along but Louis just stood there, eyes flickering from the dark grey haired man. After a second or two he snapped back into it and quickly made his way down the stairs but was stopped by what Louis assumed to be, Harry's step father. He bit his lip nervously and Harry spoke up behind him, "Hey, don't touch him." He said firmly and pushed Louis with just enough force to get him passed the man, they made it quickly out the front door and to the car, loading the back sit with Harry's stuff as quickly as they could before Louis started the car and sped off.


So, what do you guys think about it so far? I know we're only 3 chapters in but I like it so far. Anyways, you guys should add/follow me on a few things! :) 

IG - xstylinsunshinex

TWITTER - crossedinfinity 

SNAPCHAT - venessaaat

And yeah, that is all for this update, hope you enjoyed! x 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2015 ⏰

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