Chapter 13- I forgive you

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I wake up when I see a sudden flash of light , I get up slowly to see Sam right in front of me with his coffee mug right next to him I look around and see blurry figures. I rub my eyes to try to see more clearly it was John and Dean giggling while Castiel had a camera in his hand while Sherlock was behind them looking at the console "is there. . .something wrong?" I question them as I shake Sam trying to wake him up. "AND. . .THEN! ! !" Sam yells probably thinking we were still in our session making Dean go into a laughing fit. "Oh. . .did we fall asleep?" I nod getting the mugs and putting them in the dishwasher "now then. . . I see that camera in your hands, Castiel. . .my guesses are you did the dirty work without even knowing what the dirty work is?" he nods sticking the camera towards me "why. . .thank you" I smile reaching my hand to get the camera "Nope!"

 I hear from Dean and see the camera disappear "this isn't very funny" I say trying to get the camera from Dean "WHAT. . .how are you this tall!?!We are literally the same height?!?" he chuckles "I have long arms" I roll my eyes and see Sam snatch the camera away. "Here ,Doctor. . .excuse my annoying brother" Dean rolls his eyes as I grab the camera. I turn my back away from them but notice something before I start walking away "Oh! And Sherlock if you are trying to figure out how my TARDIS works you won't be able to. . .oh and try to push anything you may destroy the whole world you live in!" 

I start walking away but hear Sherlock answer back "I'll take my chances!" and then hear a loud thud and then hear John yell "SHERLOCK!" making me smile.  I open the door to my room slowly remembering the Master is still there and see him groan and roll around showing his cute sleeping face but I'm still angry at him , I turn on the camera on and see a picture of me and Sam sleeping with our heads touching I delete the picture's existence and destroy the camera with my Sonic Screwdriver and grab a trash bin throwing it inside. I walk outside to see Sherlock and John chatting well more John listening to Sherlock making deductions about this whole thing and see Dean and Sam talking while Castiel just stares at them. They all start staring at me when they hear my footsteps and I stare back "what. . .are we having a staring competition that I didn't know about" Sherlock's the first one to talk back "what is this all about are we your prisoners or what?" 

I feel a shiver go down my spine "please don't use that word" Sherlock looks confused but then gets it "prisoner?" I feel a tug in my stomach "yes,now please stop" he nods "now. . .I'll explain I left my shields down which means anything can happen. . . if I don't put up the shields there was a good chance I could have destroyed something well. . .back then it was a little bit smaller but right now I could have destroyed something as big as Texas"

"Did you put the shields back up!"

"Yes! What do you take me for?. . .don't answer that. . . now the problem is you got pulled into my TARDIS by accident but. . .the interesting part is how did it feel getting here?" I say jumping in excitement. "Well for us it felt like falling into a hole a bright hole and landing here" John says pointing at Sherlock and him "pretty much that's how it felt for us too. . ." Sam says looking at Castiel and Dean. "Well. . .that's interesting. . . anyways I'll try to get you all home in just a few. . .seconds. . .days. . .years?" 

All of their eyes widen "YEARS?!?" they all yell at the top of their lungs "Shush!" I yell back at them "but. . ." John says "no. . .really shush!" I say pointing my finger at them as they all quiet down "do you hear that?. . ." I whisper to them and they all shake their head. I look at the console cameras to see what's outside and see a pepper shaker "oh. . .no" I look back at everyone and pull the camera away from their sight.

"What. . .was that?" They all look at me shocked "oh you saw" I say smiling "well. . .those are Daleks and I need to go get something!". I run towards my room and see the Master sitting on the bed "Doctor?"I ignore the sadness in his voice "come on. . .we have a problem" I say bitterly to him trying to grab my coat that was laying on the bed, he quickly wraps his arms around me "I'm sorry. . ." he says to me "I. . .don't care anymore" I say grabbing my coat. I feel him bring the tip of his nose to my cheek and then kisses it." I forgive you but. . .I won't tell you my secret" I say pushing him away putting on my coat I won't tell you my secret because you're not ready for that you're not ready for us.

"You still sound angry." he says while we walk back to the console room "what. . .I'm not allowed to be angry. . .after someone played with my emotions" he rolls his eyes "back then I would have loved you hating me but now. . ."


"I hate it. . ."

"Good. . .you deserve it"


"Why?. . .You did hurt me. . .are you going to hurt me again. . .maybe by fucking me?. . .Would you like that"

"Shut up!" He says to me pushing me against the wall "I hate this we are literally acting like back then!"

"What do you mean, Master?"

"Remember how we broke up in the academy?"

"Yeah. . .you. . .cheated on me"

"I know and It's the same thing as right now because we let our stupid feelings get in the way, we act more human than. . . what we truly are. . . Time lords"

". . .We both can't help it. . .and that's why everyone loved us in the academy because our human feelings"

"Yeah. . .and there's one human feeling that always comes back and haunts me,Doctor "love" " he says pecking my lips , I look into his eyes , I'm speechless I close my eyes opening the walls  wanting him to hear this I forgive you and open my eyes to see the Master with wide eyes probably shocked."Another one" the Master pecks me on the lips again "another one" he does it again "another one" he pecks me on the lips for a little longer "another one" he does it again "longer. . ." he does what I say "longer" he says pecking me longer "we have to g-"

"another" he chuckles but does it anyways "more. . ." he does what I say making me go under a spell again "DOCTOR!" I hear from the hallways "now. . .we have to really go" I say as the Master lets go of me and walks towards the yelling "we'll continue this later" he says winking at me. This time I have no choice but to tell you my secret right. . .Koschei? 

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