The Girl Who Lied.

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Go away for ever? I could see where Tom was being sensible for once, and I hated to admit he was probably right. I know I loved bill so much it made my heart throb with each thought, and it was a fact to say the feeling was mutual. But I was selfish, I couldn't leave him. I was selfish, but I was smart. Would it be best for Tom to think he could trick me again? Yeah.

"You're right." I whispered, looking down at my thighs as if I were pondering what he's said, fact checking it.

But what I didn't know, was how I was going to stay with him while convincing Tom he could send me away forever. I knew what he meant, he wanted me to die. Tom had always wanted me dead and I never knew why. Well, until now. I tore him away from his brother, but the only reason he felt torn away was because he fucking hated me. Maybe if he didn't wish death upon my entire bloodline him and his brother would be a bit closer.

Personally I had not a single issue with Georg and Gustav. Yeah I know they never intervened with whatever the twins were doing to me, but they never did anything to me themselves. In fact, they've spoken up for me a few times. Yeah none of them were good people, but I've never wanted Gustav or Georg to die.

"There you go," he whispered, his face nearing mine as his hands rested on my knees. "See that's all you need to say." He praised.

"A friend of ours.. you'll know them as Mykie. She'll be here soon to watch you so I can get a break."

Friend? Right. Nobody like Tom can make friends. And she? There's no way. At least he'd be gone soon.

I looked away from him, not wanting my eyes to give away my faux words. Tom knew me enough to predict what I was thinking, and what I was going to do. I guess it was just their twin thing. I remember once he told me that me and him were similar. I hated the fact that I could understand where he was coming from- except I wasn't crazy. I've always been normal.

"Why don't you ever look at me Ang?" He said, his voice growing poisonous with uncomfortable irritation. "It's been five years, haven't you missed me?" He spat through gritted teeth, grabbing my face to rip it in his direction.

"What do you want me to say? I thought about you every waking moment?" I said, with the fearful rush of my heart. I knew I wouldn't ever feel the tranquility I now felt around Bill around Tom, because I knew Bill loved me. Tom wanted to watch me suffer as he stripped me of everything, like Bill was supposed to do. I mean Bill did do that.. but he was also supposed to kill me. Tom wouldn't even hesitate to pull the trigger, to split each of my bones in two as he made me watch. Tom hated me. That's why I was still afraid.

"Yes." He murmured. "If you didn't think about me then, you're gonna think about me a whole lot now." He muttered.

"What's that supposed to mean?" I said through clenched fists.

"You'll see." He whispered, pushing off of me as a few strands of hair fell out of his bun, and over his face. His smile was crisp in the yellow light, his eyes venomous. "You'll just need to wait. And unfortunately- so will I." He sighed, sitting back on the counter.

"Bill will here soon. You can sit tight- can't you? Just for a few hours?" He asked, talking to me like I wasn't a grown ass woman.

I nodded, looking at him through lowered eyes. So, Bill was in on it too. Bill was okay. I felt a pressure lift from my chest, Bill was fine. But why'd they do this to me?

"Good." He smiled, his eyes never leaving mine.

I glared at him, my heart pounding as I took in the sight of his face. It was so eerily similar to Bill's, yet something was profoundly wrong. His eyes were dark, filled with an ill will that made my skin crawl. The warmth and kindness I knew so well through my dreams of Bill were nowhere to be found. Instead, his gaze was piercing and cold, as if he could see right through me, sending a shiver down my spine. He had the face I thought I had escaped- he had the same face and look in his eye Bill did in 09'. So many memories began to flood back.

It was like i was staring into the same face that had me strapped to Bills bed again, a gun to my temple as he whispered bad things to me. Like I was laying bleeding in an ally, unable to cry as I lay immobilized. It was like I was looking at him, but it was Tom. Like he adapted the evilness that left Bills actions when he realized he loved me. Like it transferred through the twins.

"What're you thinking about?" He whispered, barely cocking his manicured head a centimeter.

I refocused my eyes, my heart still throbbing. "Your brother." I whispered with a small smile, hoping that'd get him. It was risky to toy with him, but he was a dick.

"Oh?" He murmured. "Was everything my brother did to you just so memorable?" He began to smile. Why was he smiling?

"What?" I asked, my voice raising as my eyebrows arched by the inner corner.

"You know what I'm talking about, Angie." He whispered, swinging his feet slightly. "That time he slammed your face through the wall? The time he held your against the ground until you blacked out?"

I felt my stomach turn.

"You know.. actually," he jumped from the counter.

I shouldn't have antagonized him. Fuck, what was he doing. Did I fuck up? He crossed the room, winking at me as he pulled a heavy box from one of the carts across the room from me. With a slight grunt he grabbed it, and carried it over to me.

"Choose one." He insisted, strangely excited.

I looked up at him, my smug expression slapped off my face mentally.

"What?" My voice cracked.

I didn't know what he was doing, but I felt my stomach in my throat.

"Just grab one." He persisted.

He pulled an army knife from his pocket, letting one of my hands free with a quick cut. With a shaky hand, I lowered it into the dark box and grabbed something. I raised it up as he set the box by my feet, and I looked at the label.

"Angelina" read the label.

"A.. a tape?" I whispered, turning it around in my hand. It was a vhs tape.

"A tape!" He exclaimed, snatching it from my hands. "You chose a good one too." He murmured down to me, walking around behind me and shuffling around.

Soon I heard a click, and on the far wall across from me a white staticky screen popped up.

"I figured since you obviously wanted to re-live Bill again, why not watcha the tapes?" He murmured with a smile as he kneeled down to me, drawing a gun.

"Tapes?" I whispered as my voice broke.

"Oh yeah, tapes." He leaned in closer, his lips moving against my ear. "We recorded it all, Angie." He said quietly through a smile. I felt the clean gunmetal against my thigh, pressing hard. "And if you look away, you know." He whispered, tapping the gun against me.


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