Chapter 1

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My eyelids flew open. I shot up in bed, a migraine forming as I rubbed my temples, realizing my cheeks were wet with tears. I wiped them away quickly, trying to shake off the dream that had me crying. A shiver ran down my spine, and a sudden sense of panic gripped me, making it hard to breathe. I forced myself to calm down. Inhale... 1... 2... 3... exhale.

I'm okay. I'm okay. I'm okay.

My brain started to function properly again. The calm version of me began to process what had just happened. Everything was fine. Everything was normal. So why did it feel so weird? Only one thing was bothering me: the dream.

It was so clear, so vivid. My eyes wandered to the alarm clock. A groan escaped my mouth as I realized I was late.

Stupid alarm. With one quick move, I was off the bed, hurrying to get ready. I grabbed a t-shirt and jeans, then darted downstairs. I snatched my helmet and locked the door, rushing outside. Almost falling off my bike, I jumped on and sped away like my life depended on it.

In the empty streets, a calming breeze interrupted my thoughts, letting me finally breathe, if only for a few seconds.

After driving what felt like 100 miles an hour, I somehow made it to class just in the nick of time. As soon as I entered, I was met with the cold air of the classroom, a sense of relief washing over me, which was quickly taken away when my eyes met Audrey's.

Audrey had been my best friend since elementary school. We always stuck together, especially after her dad died. She was the mature one; I mean, I'm mature too, well, sometimes. No matter what we did, we always stuck together. She is the best friend anyone could want.

Currently, that best friend was pissed, and let me tell you, Audrey is not nice when she's pissed.

I placed my bag down and sat next to Audrey. The bomb was about to blow.

"I know I'm gonna regret asking, but," she took a breath, "why are you late?"

"My alarm didn't go off."

"Stop," she sighed, placing her hand on her temple. "This is the third time this week you've blamed it on your alarm."

"What can I say? My alarm's a real douche, you know?"

"It's almost as if you want detention. You've been late every day this past week, including today." The vein on her forehead looked like it was about to pop.

"No, there's a minute till class starts." The sarcasm in my voice was really showing.

She glared at me.

"You're not funny."

"What? I think I am very funny," I mumbled under my breath.


"I'm kidding... I'm kidding." I put my hands up in surrender.

"Yeah, you should be."

Only after that did I analyze my surroundings. Everything seemed normal, except something felt weird. Suddenly, the bell went off, and I became very stiff. A flash of memories flooded my mind, and it became very hard to breathe. My mind went back to the incident, and I quickly realized I was having a panic attack.

I tried calming myself again. Inhale... 1... 2... 3... exhale. Not working. Inhale... 1... 2... 3... exhale. This time it didn't exactly work.

"I have to go to the bathroom," I said while hyperventilating.

Before she could say something, I ran outside, bumping into everyone on the way, and finally made it to the bathroom.

I rushed into the nearest stall and locked the door behind me. Leaning against the cold metal, I tried to catch my breath, counting slowly in my head. Inhale... 1... 2... 3... exhale. Finally, the panic began to subside, and I could think clearly again.

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