Chapter One: Little girl

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Briana's P.O.V

'Briana...Briana....Wake up...'

"Mommy...?" I said groggily. I started patting around for her. "Mommy?!? Where are you?" I screamed. My eyes shot open. I looked around frantically for her. She wasn't there. Just the same dirty ally, same cardboard box, everything was the same.

I curled back up into a ball in my box. "No mommy..." I said as tears started to swell in my eyes.

Suddenly something wet hit my face. Then another, then another. It was raining, hard. I tryed covering my head with my blanket, but was too small. I sighed.

3 Person P.O.V

Briana sighed heavily. It wasn't her first time getting stuck in the rain. She squeezed her stuffed bunny, Mr Bunny and snuggled in as deep as she could in her box. She quietly sang the song her mother would sing to her at night.

Little girl, little girl

Wonder are you listening

Little girl, little girl

Struggling with your confidence

Little girl, little girl-

Her singing was cut off by a tall shadow looking over her.

Bucky's P.O.V

My original plans were to have a nice, quite walk in the park to get away from my, VERY loud roommates. Once S.H.I.E.L.D found me, Steve had convinced Fury and the avengers to give me a second chance.

I was heading for the park when it started to rain. I sighed. 'No walk today.' I thought.

I turned and started to head back to Stark Tower when I heard a muffed singing, more like a low humming actually. I started to follow the sound and finally got to the source.

A little girl, no older than Four or five, sitting in a cardboard box curled up in a little ball snuggling with a bunny and completely soaked. I felt bad really for her. 'So she was the source.' I thought as I walked up to her.

"Hey." I said bending down to her level.

She looked up to me scared and quietly said "hello".

"Ya know, its raining really hard, do you wanna come with me?" I asked, right after feeling stupid. 'Really! Why would I ask her that? She probably knows not to go with strangers!'

She squinted her eyes. "I know you from T.V." she gasped. "You da winter soldier!"

"Heh, yes I am, so, you wanna go?"

She stood up slowly, but fell down almost instantly. She grunted.
"I can't stand up right" she sighed.

"Its ok, I'll carry you." I said but she moved away.

"I all wet. I gon' get you all wet too."

"Don't worry. I can always change." I said picking her up.

We started heading back to the tower, I picked up speed since we were both soaking wet. Once we got home, I headed straight to the elevators ignoring all the glares and looks we got. "Don't stare..." The little girl said quietly and layed her head on my shoulder. "Don't worry, we're almost there." I said patting her head.

Once at the elevator I hit the 79th button. Once there I sat her at the small bar to get her something to eat.

Briana's P.O.V

After we were, wherever we were, the winter soldier sat me at a small bar. Afterthat, he left. I looked around for him, but instead I found another man. He squinted at me and I squinted back.

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