Attacked Part 1

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Summary: Jude gets attacked and it leaves Connor worrying so much that it causes him to end up in the hospital too.....

Third person POV
Jude was walking home from school. Lena was supposed to bring him home but then she had a last minute meeting so Jude decided he would just walk. But now Jude was starting to feel unsafe, he felt like someone was following him. After Jude walked another five minutes he felt a hand on his shoulder. Jude turned around quickly. When Jude turned around he saw a guy who was about five inches taller then him that he didn't recognize.
"Who are you?." Jude asked showing no fear.
"My friends have seen you and your boyfriend around town." the guy said.
"Who are your friends?" Jude asked.
"Jeremy and Blake. And just like them I think that freaks like you and your boyfriend shouldn't be here. So I'm going to give you a beating to remember." the guy said.
"No please I'm only thirteen." Jude said and he started to run.
But Jude wasn't fast enough and the guy caught him. The guy hit Jude until he crumpled to the ground. After Jude was on the ground the guy kicked him until he was bloody and bruised all over.
Before the guy left he said," I hope you realize what a freak you are now." and he spit on Jude.
For a couple minutes Jude layed on the ground crying in pain. Then Jude looked around to see where his backpack was. He saw it a couple feet away. So Jude crawled to his backpack and reached in for his phone. It took a few seconds to get it but Jude pulled it out. Jude then typed in the numbers 911.
"Hi my name is Jude Adams Fosters and I was just beat up by a guy and I need an ambulance and police here." Jude said trying not to cry in pain.
"Do you where you are honey?" asked the 911 operator.
"No, but can you track my phone, I can't get up and check it hurts too much." Jude said.
"Sure honey but you gotta stay on the phone with me." said the 911 operator.
"Ok..ay." Jude stuttered out in pain.

Stef's POV
Mike and I were sitting at a stop light when we heard a call on the radio.
"We need an ambulance and two police cars to 51 west boulevard." the operator said.
"Adams Foster and I are two minutes from there we'll go." Mike responded and we drove off.
When we got there I saw a bloody and bruised figure up against the fence that looked like Jude. As I got out of the car I realized it was Jude and so did Mike and we ran over fast.
"Jude what happened?" I asked.
"I was walking home from school cause Mama had a last minute meeting," Jude stopped for a second in pain.
"Hey if it's too much then you can tell me later." I said not wanting Jude to strain himself too much.
"It hurts mom." Jude cried out.
"I know bubba, but the ambulance will be here soon and everything will be fine." I said comforting Jude.
Five minutes later the ambulance showed up and Stef hopped in with Jude.

Connor's POV
I was sitting on my bed when my dad came with a grim look on his face.
"Dad what's wrong?" I asked.
"Well Connor Jude was walking home from school when he was attacked and beat up. He's at the hospital right now, the doctors haven't told Stef and Lena his condition yet. I'm going to take you there so hurry up and get your shoes on." My dad said.
"What! Oh my gosh." I said. I immediately got my shoes and ran to the car.
"Connor calm down." My dad said.
"I can't my boyfriend could be possibly dying or seriously injured and I wasn't there for him." I shouted at my dad.
"Connor you didn't know this would happen you can't feel guilty." My dad said," Jude wouldn't want you to feel bad would he?" My dad added on.
"No." I said.
"Then don't." My dad said and we sat in silence the rest of the car ride.

We had been waiting for 7 hours to hear how Jude was doing and the doctor finally came out.
"Hi I'm Dr.Cohen and I was the doctor who operated on Jude." said Dr.Cohen.
"How is he?" I immediately asked.
"Well he had some internal bleeding, but we got it under control and he should make a full recovery. It'll be hard since he's so young and went through this. He'll also have to recover mentally." Dr. Cohen said.
"Can we see him?" I asked.
"Yes, one person at a time, but he's not awake yet." Dr.Cohen said.
"Connor you go first." Stef said to me.
"Ok." I replied.
I followed Dr.Cohen to Jude's room and when we got there I hesitated for a moment. But then I opened the door and walked in. When I saw Jude my knees went weak. He was hooked up to several machines and he looked so pale. I sat in the chair next to him and held his hand.
"Jude please wake up soon and get better. I know we're only thirteen but Jude I love you and I wanna spend the rest of my life with you. I know it's very unlikely that our relationship will last through high school and college but I'll try my best to make this last. Because I want this love to last forever." I said crying now.
"Excuse me but you have to go now." A nurse that had walked in said.
"Ok." I said wiping my eyes.
As I walked towards the door I felt myself falling and the world went black.

To be continued....

Author's note: I'm evil but I'll try and update as soon as I can. By the way the photo for this chapter is one I made.

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