Regrets part 2

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Riley's POV

This morning I was performing my female solo and I was so afraid. Seeing The Next Step definitely shook me up yesterday, because it just bought back so many bad memories of what they used to do to me, and suddenly they act like my friends? I don't get them. Although this was quite useful for my solo, it gave me a drive to show them that I remember what they did and that I'm stronger than the fragile girl I was a few months back.

At the moment I was running my solo warm up with one of my best friends, Caitlin. Everyone else was at the buffet getting breakfast but Caitlin and I had woken up early and already eaten, however I was in the same room as my friends. They got a table by a wall so that I could warm up while they ate and generally just have fun; we were like a family, unlike my time in A-troupe. Lola had just stood up to act as a ballet bar for me when I noticed A-troupe walk in and choose a table quite close to ours.

Michelle was smirking at me while I messed around with my friends and honestly I don't know what her problem was, I thought about confronting her but I didn't really want drama right now so I tried to focus on warming up. 5 minutes went past but suddenly I heard snickering from their table, Michelle, Steph and a few others were looking at me and my friends and we'd had enough.

"What's her problem?" Caitlin asked me quietly glaring at Michelle who had an evil smile on her face. Caitlin was never one for conflict, neither was I but I'd had enough of Michelle and her little posse, always giving dirty looks, snickering at people, yesterday I even saw her push a dancer over in line to sign in. She had pushed my limits these past few years. And I was done.

"What the hell is your problem?" I ask confidently as I strutted over to her.

"Me? Oh I don't have a problem, I have a family, a real one, money, clothes, and everything I could ever ask for." She smirked trying to hurt me with my past.

"She does have a family, she has us." I heard from behind me, my whole team had come and stood behind me.

"And at least I'm not a little bitch who has to put other people down to feel good about myself" I reply angered by her daring to talk about my past, in front of everyone. I grabbed a glass of red juice off the table and was about to pour it over her when someone grabbed my hand. I looked around expecting to see James trying to protect his precious Michelle but instead it was Brady.

"Ri, don't if you do this you could get kicked out of the competition" he said, looking into my eyes, making my heart melt. I step back remembering she's not worth it. But as I walk away I hear Michelle scream and I notice that one of the girls on my team had poured the glass over Michelle. The room erupted into fits of laughter and I walked off with my friends, proud of what they'd just done for me.


I checked the board for the hundredth time this hour just to make sure I wasn't against Michelle. Luckily, I wasn't. I was in my costume for my solo, my makeup done and my hair curled. My dress was black, a similar style to my one from yesterday, but it was covered with white and red cracks as a pattern, almost like a spider web. The net overlay was purposely torn. My makeup was beautiful; it highlighted my eyes, my cheekbones and made me look amazing. I wore nude jazz shoes to look as if I was barefoot, all part of my solo storyline. It reminded me a bit of my old self, poor, old clothes, abused. But this was my ammunition for my dance.

I walked back to my space back stage and was rechecking my makeup when I felt a strong pair of arms wrap around my waist, I knew it was Brady from his cologne but part of my heart wished for it to be James. No. Don't think of him I scolded myself. I looked up to Brady and he was smiling at me, we were stood in a comfortable silence when I turned to hug him properly. But shortly into the hug Brady's body stiffened and I felt another presence in the room. And when I turned I saw what I expected but really didn't need right now...

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