The New Guy

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Daylon's POV

Later today I have work at the diner and I don't feel like getting up. It's 5 am in the morning and I have school in 2 hours. I can hear my younger sister Riley and my older brother Sam fighting over who gets the shower first. "Shut up riley you don't even know any thing" screamed my older brother "I don't have to listen to you, your not my boss stupid" Riley screamed right back. They do this every morning and this is the time when I get up and walk into the bathroom while they are fighting. I noticed as i walk past them how much we look alike we all have the same brown hair but we have different eyes while mine are green they have brown. Sam has a buzz cut while me and Riley have long hair to our waist . Sam is taller then both of us. After I turn on the water they notice and then they yell and realize that I'm in the shower so they scream at me so I tell them to shut up and blah blah blah blah blah. This happens every morning it kinda a routine now.

After I get out the shower I get dressed in a spongebob crop top, white high waisted skinny jeans and yellow converse. It was only six thirty when I finish getting ready so I went down stairs to eat breakfast. When I'm done I thank and kiss my mom and dad and head to school. I hope in my brothers car and wait for him and Riley to come out of our house. They finally get in the car and we ride to school. We don't talk to each other in the car. This is usually the time when Riley finish her homework she was supposed to do the night before and Sam mumbles to the radio and I text my best friend Anna to see if she works today. Sometimes when we arent doing our own thing we take the back roads and we just have fun. We just speed down the road singing to what ever song is on obnoxiously loud and off pitch, but not today.when we reach the school Anna is waiting by the front door so we can go in together. Riley goes to the middle school and me and Sam walk to the high school. As soon as I reach Anna she starts telling me about the new hot guy Jordon that just moved here. "Daylan your never believe whose Jordan's locker neighbor." Anna was basically drooling when she said Jordan's name "whose Anna" I said with a very bored voice. I don't really care for boys. It's not like Im a lesbian and I have nothing against them I mean all spaghetti noodles are straight till they get a little hot. I just don't have time with my job and school for a relationship with a boy or girl. "Yours, ours the hot new guy is gonna be our locker neighbor forever, well untill the end of the year but thats in like forever.-" "Anna this is cute and all that you like the new hot guy but I don't care I'm really tired can we just get to class please" I interrupted her because I know if I didn't she would talk forever and ever. She just nods and we go to our locker to find "hot Jordan there" as soon as Anna sees him she smacks my arm and starts to point at him. I just smile and keep walking to my locker. "Hey I'm Anna you must be Jordan the new guy right?" She said makeing sure she smiles big for pretty boy. "Yea hey nice to meet you Anna but I have to get to class don't wanna be late my first day" he said looking kind of uncomfortable. As he took off towards class I laugh but stop as soon as Anna glares at me.

Today went by fast and its already lunch time. I'm in line to get lunch and I see the new kid Jordan in front of me. "Hey Jordan I'm sorry about my friend this morning she gets a little excited about new kids. You know?" He just laughs " its fine" "hey Jordan do you wanna sit with us" " yea sure" he smiles. As he turns around I kinda sorta check him out. He has shiney black hair that's swiped up he has brown eyes and is really tall. Well everybody is taller than me I'm only 5'2. We walk over to my table with Anna and my other friends there. I sit down and Jordan sits next to me. "Jordan that's max" I say pointing to the boy with blond hair thats styled up and blue eyes "Chad" he has brown shaggy hair and a little stuble that he likes to keep on his face. "Hannah" she has black eyes and black hair that goes to her shoulders" and you already know Anna. Anna has blue eyes and blonde hair that's in a bob. "Guys this is Jordan" I say as Jordan smiles. They smile at him and keep agrueing "guys what could you guys even be talking about that you have to be rude to jordan." I say " Flynn Chase is coming to town and I have tickets for all us and chad and max said that they are not gonna go" says Hannah looking really pissed of "wow guys really Flynn Chase I'm so done with you and Anna obsessing over. Beleive me in no time you'll be on another hot celebrity" I say rolling my eyes. They continue to agrue ignoring what I said so I turn to jordan and say the only thing that might make him not think we are crazy......

"Welcome to our school Jordan" I say with a smile

So what did you guys think about my first chapter to my first book? Was it as good as I hoped? Is any body gonna read it? Huh idk but please check it out.

Well I guess that's it bye beautiful rainbow cloud babies

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