And we're off

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Selena- I don't want to go
Selena said as they were about to board the plane. Justin chuckled and wrapped an arm around her shoulder,"I know you have been saying that the last 2 days" Justin exclaimed.
Selena's pov
I pouted and wrapped my arms around him, we walked onto the plane and took our seat. I sat by the window justin sat by me and pattie sat on the end seat. My mom, jake and kenzi were behind us. I stared out the window seeing the beautiful water. The pilot came on the intercom and talked to us for a bit before the flight attendants showed us the safety stuff. I grabbed Justin's hand right as the plane took off. We were going fast before I knew it the plane left the ground and flew into the air. I laid my head on Justin's shoulder and we both looked out the window staring at bora bora and how beautiful it was. I was sure going to miss it and I was also going to miss being here with the ones I love!

That was the end!!! I know I'm sorry but 🙍🏼 I'm sorry this chapter was short also! I hope you liked this story!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2015 ⏰

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