I am become death part 1

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*It was early in the morning, a group of the 100 had went to where the Exodus Ship had crashed. There were burned skulls of people.*

Bellamy- "Stay sharp, Grounder retaliation for what happened on the bridge is coming, just a matter of when." *Bellamy says to the shooters.*
Finn- "Can you blame them?"
Y/N- "No, I blame you."
Finn- "Maybe if you didn't bring guns-"
Raven- "If we didn't bring guns, we all would've been killed."

Y/N- "Why they're coming doesn't matter anymore."
Bellamy- "Shes right, its our job to be ready when they do, we're on our own now." *Y/n noticed that Clarke was close to a pink liquid, she remember seeing it before in a science experiment.*
Y/N- "Clarke, stop!" *Y/n says running over to her.*

Clarke- "Rocket fuel?"
Y/N & Raven- "Hydrazine.." *Y/n and Raven says at the same time.*
Raven- "Its highly unstable in its non-solid form."
Y/N- "Yeah, if this stuff meets fire, we're all pink mist." *Y/n says taking a smaller rock and dips it into the Hydrazine.* "Fire in the hole!"

*Y/n yells to warn the others and throws the smaller rock in Hydrazine into where fire was and it exploded.*

Raven- "We need to clear the area."
Bellamy- "Okay then, we move in formation. No straggling, weapons hot." *Bellamy tells the shooters.* "We got to get back before dark."


*Word had gotten that John had came back to camp, Y/n immediately ran into the Drop Ship, Bellamy and Clarke followed her from behind.*

Y/N- "Where is he?" *Y/n saw his face and body was torn and covered in blood, it looked like the Grounder had tortured him, Bellamy, Y/n and Clarkes face were in shock.* "Oh my god, John are you okay?" *Y/n says kneeling down to her brother.*
Bellamy- "Everybody but Connor and Derek, out now!" *Bellamy tells everybody who was in the Drop Ship.*

Derek- "He claims he was with the Grounders, we caught him trying to sneak back into camp."
John- "I wasn't sneaking, I was running from the Grounders."
Bellamy- "Anyone see Grounders?" *Bellamy asked Connor and Derek, they shook their head no.* "Well, in that case-" *Bellamy starts and picks up his gun pointed at John, Y/n steps in front of his gun knowing he wouldn't shoot John if she was in the way.*

Y/N- "If you'e gonna shoot him, shoot me first."
Bellamy- "We were clear what would happen if he came back." *Bellamy says as he points his gun again at John.*
Finn- "No, if he was with the Grounder, then he knows things that can help us."
Bellamy- "Help us? We hanged him, we banished him, and now we're gonna kill him. Get the hell out of my way."

*Bellamy says as he points his gun at John again.*
Y/N- "Bellamy please." *Y/n begged him.*
Clarke & Y/N- "Finn, is right."
Bellamy- "Like hell, he is!" *Bellamy yelled.* "Y/N, Clarke, think about Charlotte."
Clarke- "I am thinking about her, but what happened to Charlotte was as much our fault as his." *Clarke says as Y/n looks at his fingernails.*

Y/N- "He's not lying.." *Y/N says as Clarke shows them Johns fingernails.* "His fingernails we're torn off, they tortured him."
Finn- "You and the Grounders should compare notes."
Bellamy- "The Grounders know we're at war, what did you tell them about us?" *Bellamy says raising his voice at John.*

John- "Everything." *Y/n immediately stood up to Bellamy.*
Y/N- "Once he's better, we find out what he knows, and then he's out of here, okay?" *Y/n says looking at Clarke.* "Can you help him?"
Clarke- "Yes of course."
Bellamy- "Wait, what if he refuses to leave? What do we do with him then?"
Clarke- "Then we kill him." *Clarke says firmly looking back at the Murphy twins.*



*I overheard Jasper and Harpers conversation, it looked like she wanted to spend time with Jasper, but he rejected it.*

Monty- "Are you kidding me?" *I asked my best friend as I got up on the cot.*
Jasper- "That was there for the taking, Harper? She's low-hanging fruit." *Jasper says taking a bite of his fruit.*
Monty- "Don't tell me you're still holding out for Octavia."

Jasper- "I got to go." *Jasper says standing up.*
Monty- "Jasper, Octavia is not gonna happen. She likes her Grounders alive."
Jasper- "Go float yourself, Monty. This is why Y/N chooses Bellamy over you."
Monty- "I'm just telling you the truth." *I try to defend myself from my best friend.*
Jasper- "No, you're telling me your truth. I'm not like you anymore."

Monty- "What the hell does that mean?"
Jasper- "It means you're jealous, and people think I'm cool, and that upsets you. Y/n thinks I'm cool did you know that?"
Monty- "No, I think you're cool, only no one had to die for me to see it."

Jasper- "You know, what? This is my tent, okay? Bellamy gave it yo me, and if you have a problem with that, maybe you should find somewhere else to sleep." 
Monty- "Maybe I should."
Jasper- "Then do it."
Monty- "I will."
Jasper- "Good." *Jasper says and leaves the tent.*

OPPOSITES ATTRACT {BELLAMY BLAKE X READER}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora