Shipping Newtmas so hard at the end of the chapter 🥹🥰

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"Do you think Bertha still works?" Billy asks Jorge as we make our way outside the house. 

"What the hell is Bertha?" I ask as Jorge stops in front of a door in front of the disastrous building and punches a code into a control panel. We hear a small beeping sound before the door begins sliding upwards, revealing another room.

"Shucking hell." Frypan mutters from beside me, his eyebrows furrowed together.

"This, my friends, is Bertha." Jorge says, placing his hands on his hips as he stares just outside the large room, admiring the object in front of him.

I furrow my eyebrows. "This is Bertha?" I ask. I hear someone snicker behind me, covering it up quickly with a cough. I'm guessing it was Minho. "It's a car."

"Not just a car, Hermana." He replies, stepping into the room and running his fingers across the rusted, faded color of the blue SUV. "She's our ticket outta here." He turns to looks at us, smacking his palm on the roof of the car. "This car is gonna take us to the Right Arm."

Billy and Brenda both walk over to Jorge, their voices low as they talk. The rest of us stand awkwardly outside the room, waiting to be given instructions on what to do. After a few moments, Brenda turns to us.

"Okay. Here's the plan." She says, folding her arms across her chest. "Venus and Thomas, you can go search the house for any supplies you guys think might be useful for us. Weapons, food, water bottles, etc. Teresa, Newt, and Aris, you two check around this room for supplies. Anything you think we could use." She turns to look at Frypan and Minho. "You two get to help Billy and Jorge."

Minho and Frypan both try to protest, but Brenda just continues to cut them off. The seven of us split up into our groups and make our way to our assigned areas, me following Thomas as he leads the way into the house. Immediately once he opens the door, we can hear Marcus screaming and calling out for someone to help him. I roll my eyes.

"Fuckin' pathetic." I mutter.

"Let's just try to ignore him, okay?" Thomas says, making his way towards the kitchen. I decide to check around the rest of the downstairs area.

I find a various amount of different pocket knives, handguns, and other firearms. I'm passing by the living room where Marcus is when he goes silent. He stops shouting for help and his voice drops to its normal volume, slightly raspy from his previous screams.

"What are the chances that you'll let me go?" He asks. I try to ignore him, walking into the room, but never making eye contact. I begin searching around the room, trying my best to ignore his presence altogether. "I know you can hear me, kid." I continue ignoring him. He goes silent for a moment, but I can feel his eyes watching me the whole time. "You're her daughter, aren't you?"

That gains my attention. My head snaps up, my eyes slanting as I stare at him. The man begins grinning his vile, sinister smile, his teeth still stained from his blood.

"What the fuck are you talking about?" I snap. He starts laughing again. 

"You know exactly what I'm talking about." He can't seem to stop laughing. I can feel my body trembling with anger as I watch his bloodied, swollen face contorted into a smile. 

"How the hell do you know about that?" My voice is shaking. My body is trembling. "Who the fuck told you about that?"

He pauses, catching his breath before he looks up at me, a smile still plastered on his face. "I know a lot more about you than you think, sweetheart." He sneers. His smile grows wider, another soft series of chuckles escaping his lips. 

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