The First Day

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                          They say the first day of your senior year is the last lap before your become an adult, though I have never believed those words,not for one second. I think you become an adult when you realize that money wasn't made for saving up and buying the things you want, it is for barely paying bills on time and buying cheap microwave meals from the store. Some reach adulthood when they turn eighteen others have the change happen a lot younger. As for me, I considered myself as a matured human at the tender age of seven, when my father disappeared, leaving my mother and I on our own. Am I mad at him for leaving, no. Do I wish he was still here, yes. If he were still here mom would never have had to work three jobs, raise a kid on her own, pay every bill, and keep up the old rent house. She always said she was glad I was not a troublesome kid, though she wanted me to have more friends. It was not that I did not want friends-because I truly did- it was just that no one wanted to be friends with me.

I know the reason no one hung around me, I was dull,boring,somber, ect, so why in the world is this kid clinging to me on the first day of senior year blabbing on about how he is going to become an adult, get in to a super nice collage, and getting married?

"I am just so glad we are seated together, cause last year I had to sit next to this guy who would not stop talking and it was just really annoying, you know? Oh, by the way my name is Yume, what's your's?", he questioned.

'Sano.' I replied.

'No, I mean your given name.'

'Isn't that a little,well, forward?'

'Gosh! What decade are you living in?'he then commenced giggling like a young school girl. Once he notice my humorless face, Yume cleared his throat and straightened his crooked smile.

'In that case,Ohno, my name is,Ohno.'

I barely payed attention to him as he ranted until he said,

'I think we live in the same neighborhood. Won't this be great we can study together, hang out, and have adventures!' his decibel level was almost over eighty.

If there is one thing I can't stand in this world it is people who talk too much, he was without a doubt one of those people, and I have the luck of getting to live by him. Now I am forced to not only think about studies, my job, and cooking, I now also have to contemplate ways of avoiding this child who not only sits next to be in school,yet also live near him. Since, I am stuck in this situation I will handle this like an adult.

'Do,do you think that you could maybe q-quiet down a b-b-bit?' I stammered.

'What? Sorry, I didn't quite catch that.'

'I-I said do you think you could quiet down down a bit?'

'Oh, yeah, sure! Sorry.' he said and slowly turned to face the front of the class. At that point the homeroom teacher strolled in with maximal confidence and raised her right hand ,with a smirk on her face, to silence the chatter that filled the room.

"Welcome to your final year of the wonderful adventure that is high school. On behalf of Wellspring High, I welcome all new students and returning ones for it is on th-'

In the middle of her welcome the familiar chime of the intercom bell rang and it's announcement was made, stating that we were to line up like the cattle we were and make our way-as organized as possible- to the gymnasium.

As we stood in alphabetical order all I could think of was what this 'Yume' was going to bring this coming semester.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2015 ⏰

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