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Bea's pov

Hey i'm Bea miller,I'm 17 in 12th grade,last year of high school thank god, at school people may say i'm shy and nerdy type,but I'm really not i'm outgoing and very playful, I just work extremely hard because I have three months then off to college, I have a job I work at a caffe as a waitresses,not a good job but it will do for now


"Ugh really" I roll over and hit the clock,I get up and take a shower,about 10mins later I get out brush my teeth,hair and put on my outfit for today, I grab my phone,keys and run downstairs "Bea are u going to eat" I look at my phone it's 7:40 school starts at 8:30 hmmm,I go grab a piece of bacon "mom i'm going to school" I kiss her and my dad's cheek "bye love you guys" mom and dad say "love you too" I run out the door to my car and drive to school

At school

I get out,lock my doors and go inside to my locker

Pam- heyyy Bea

I turn around to be face to face with 1 out of my 8 best friends

Me- heyy, where is everyone eles

Kayla-where here (painting)

Bea-(laughs) y were u running, u look like u seen a ghost

Fae- Yea a hot ghost

Everyone laughs and Kayla sends a playful glare at Fae, I can't help but smile at them, then we heard a bang and yelling, we looked at each other and went around the corner, I see the caption of the basketball team guy pined the caption of the football team guy up against the lockers hmmm I need to get closer, I walk where they can see me everyone stays where they are

????: Mike just say sorry to Ross already

A girl says so the guy pined is named Mike and the other one is Ross ok then

Mike: over my dead body

Then the girl behind Ross said

??: Ross plzs he's not worth it

Ross sighs and let's go while Mike smirks

Mike: that's not what u said last night

Next thing I know Ross lunched at Mike and tackle him and starts hitting him, while the girl is blushing

Fae: (cough) slut (cough)

We heard gasp I turn around with wide eyes and Marie laughs Fae walks beside me grinning I smh while smiling

Girl: what did u call me

By now everyone is watching cause Two boys pulled Ross off of Mike so now they both are watching

Fae's pov

I couldn't stop myself form calling her that, I mean she is one I don't know why Ross is dating her, he even knows,her outfit says it all

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