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    School was over and Kasean had an interesting day

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    School was over and Kasean had an interesting day. He made about one friend, Monte, he was cool people. They sat together at lunch and just talked about the things they were most interested in.

Kasean never had many friends, so someone who was willing to talk to him and he was willing to talk to them back, was a big step into something.

Kasean had arrived home and he opened the door to the house. His aunt Sasha had gave him a key, because she informed him that she worked late shifts most times, so she wouldn't be home. He closed the door behind him, and took his shoes off, sighing as he enter the home. He turned a light on, close to him, so that he would be able to see fully.

He walked to his room and began closing the door, taking off his clothes, preparing to run some water for a shower.

He ran the water for a couple of seconds, waiting for it to get a little on the warmer side, then he got in, washing his body thoroughly. He then rinsed his face off with some water, shaking his head to dry it off. Once he was done cleaning his body, he got out of the shower, dried off, and put on a fresh new set of clothes.

After he needed to find him something to eat. He walked to the kitchen and opened the fridge; there wasn't anything in there - the fridge was empty, emptier than a person who just moved in would expect.

He grabbed a bag of bread and read the expiration date; it was past due. "Damn, Aunt Sasha needs to go grocery shopping" he said, making a stank face, and placed the bread back into the fridge.

He realized there was nothing to eat up in there, so he went back to his room. He grabbed his bag and searched around for his wallet, counting the money he had in there - it wasn't much, he had about ten bucks, that was the max. He closed his wallet, then placed it in the back of his pocket.

He thought about what he could get with ten dollars. He knew there was a corner store not too far from where his auntie stayed, and he was gonna go up there and get him something from there.

He headed out the house and began walking, making his way there. When he arrived, he opened the door, and the cashier said, "Welcome to the store." Her Chinese accent came out, and Kasean nodded at her, like she knew what that meant.

He walked in, and the bell above the door rang out. The store was small; everything was pretty much stocked and packed up in there. He walked over towards the area where the hot dogs were.

There were hot dogs rolling on a machine, being heated up for someone to come and eat them. He grabbed himself two hot dogs and added ketchup to both of them, then placed them in a container, snapping it shut.

He then went over to the freezer area to grab himself a drink, looking through the drinks, trying to figure out which one he wanted. His hands landed on one of the coconut-flavored waters.

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