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(Note: little break from the angst)

Dandy finally was released from the isolation room and was actually free of tests for the day. He decided to use this as an opportunity to hang out with his friends.

First he met with Poppy and Boxten. "Dandy! Where've you been? That must've been a long test!" Poppy excitedly greeted him. "Yeah... how long was I away?" He asked. "You were gone for uh, pretty much the whole day" Boxten answered. Wow, he was away for that long? "Well, I wanted to say hi because it's been a while since we last talked" he said.

Then he noticed Brightney and Shrimpo interacting. "YOUR LIGHT IS ANNOYING!" Shrimpo yelled at Brightney. "Not this again" she muttered. "Well I think your light is pretty" Dandy tried to make her feel better. "Thanks, Dandy" she said. "NO ONE ASKED YOU, FLOWER" Shrimpo shouted. "Ugh, don't listen to him" Brightney told him Dandy.

Next was Goob and Scraps because when he walked by, Goob immediately pulled him into a hug. "H-hi g-goob" He choked out. "Heya, Dandy!". He finally let Dandy go after Scraps convinced him to. "No tests today? Lucky" she said. "Me and Goob have to do a few in a bit". A voice came behind them, "Scraps, Goob, it's time for you two's tests". "Oh okay, bye Dandy!" Goob waved him bye and trotted off with his sister.

Dandy sees Razzle and Dazzle in the corner, reading off something. "Hi, friends! What are you two up to?" He goes over to the twin masks to find what they're doing. "Hi Dandy, the scientists are having us read this and memorize it to train our memory (it's really difficult)" They respond. "Don't worry about it, I'm sure you two'll do great" he said, implying to Dazzle. "I think we're starting to get it, thanks Dandy! (i suppose it isn't too bad)".

Rodger and Toodles approached Dandy this time. "Dandicus, do you think you could help us with an investigation?" Rodger asked him. "I could, what do you need help with?" He replied eagerly. "We were wondering about where you were all day" Toodles piped in. "Yes, we wanted to ask you a few questions" Rodger said. Dandy didn't really want to tell them where he really was earlier, thinking it would get him in trouble again. "I was just doing a long test and when it was finished, I just stopped by everyone to say hi" he answered. "Alrighty then".

"Pebble, could you tell us what color an orange is?" Vee held her microphone to the rock. "Bork".  "No, it's not gray" she said. "I forgot dogs were colorblind". Pebble ran to Dandy as soon as he came into view and jumped on him. "Hi Pebble!". "Dandy, I heard about yesterday with Astro and his toon handler" Vee said. "Oh, yeah..." he muttered. "If I was you, I would've just drop kicked them" she said jokingly. "We might still get in trouble" he said. "It would be worth it though" she said.

Finally, it was bed time. Astro had told Dandy earlier that he would try to give him a good dream to help him forget about that last experiment and the isolation room. He thought again about his plan, It could possibly free them all from this place. Then he decided, he was going to do it. They might be angry at him, but at least they won't get hurt again.

(Note: I tried my best to include as many other toons as I could. I'm gonna take a break for a day or two because I'm getting a little overwhelmed with the attention this story is getting. Luv u :) )

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