Part 1

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Lovers POV:

Mama is making all of us albums move in together! Which I'm kinda excited about but really scared! What if they don't like me and call me names like everyone else in my life? Anyways, I'm upset I have to leave my boyfriend Joe, but I can still visit him sometimes! He's been the only person I could trust for years and I'm so scared about what this is going to do to us.

"Got everything packed up?" Joe asks walking into our room. I'm sitting on the bed staring at the wall when he startled me.

"Oh! Hi! Yeah, I got everything I'm taking with me!" I say standing up. He puts his hands around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck hugging him. "I'm gonna miss you so much!"

He kisses my forehead then says, "I'll make sure to call you every night sweetheart, this is just like me being gone for filming in London!"

"What if my roommate hates me? What if I mess up and you're not there to help me?! What if I'm too much?! What if I'm not enough?! What if they call me names? What if they make fun of me for crying too mu-" I say before getting cutoff by Joe.

"If they don't like you, that's their loss, you're an amazing woman, I love you!" Joe says, rubbing my back trying to comfort me. Then I hear a honking horn. 

"That's her..." I hug him one last time and kiss him for what feels like forever.  "I love you, call me tonight yeah?" I grab my stuff and start to walk out.

"Every night darling," Joe says blowing me a kiss.  I walk out the door and longingly stare at the front of the house before getting into the car.

"Hey Lovvie how ya doing?" I hear a familiar voice ask.  I try to get a glimpse at the girl who's driving face.  "Darlinggggggg?"  That's when it hits me.

"Mama!" I smile super wide. "I missed you so much!"  Taylor then also smiles.

"My god you're precious, I missed you more!" She exclaims and starts driving.

At the eras house

Where's my sister? Where's my sister? Where are my sisters?! "LOVER!!" Debut runs up and hugs me. There's one of them!!

"DEBY!! How are you?! I've missed you so much sis!!"  I exclaim and hug her back tightly. Debut just continues hugging me and doesn't let go.  "You've gotten so much taller, you're a growing little bean!"

"I've missed you so much! It was not fun living with just Mother! She was like so annoyed of every little thing I did!" Debut sighs and stops hugging me.

"Awww, she was just trying to protect you, you're her tiny baby after all, trust me I've been in your shoes, I know how you feel!" I say and ruffle debuts hair. "Have you seen Need or Dusk yet?"

"Mother said since they aren't certified albums, they aren't gonna live here nor visit, sorry sissy. I know it must be hard not seeing your twin for years," Debut says and runs my back.  I couldn't hold the tears back, they started pouring out of my face.  I haven't seen my twin sister since I was 9 and our 29th birthday is in a week.

Midnights immediately rushes over and hugs me, "Oh my goodness Pinky are you alright?"
I shake my head and just let her hold me for a good 5 minutes. "Poor girl, come on let's sit down."  Midnights says sitting me down and sitting next to me.

I say still sobbing, "We won't ever see Need or Dusk again! Ever! Need is supposed to be my built in best friend! Why does mother hate us?!"

"Listen kid, we will definitely see them again and I'm sure if you ask Taylor to let them visit she'll let them, you are her favorite yknow. You always have been," midnights says trying to stop me from crying.  Taylor brings in a new girl that looks kind of gothic.  She's wearing black fishnets on her arms and legs with a black band tee and black booty shorts.  "Who are you?"

"Stop that's rude!" I wipe my tears and get myself together. "Hi! My names Lover! What's your name?"  I ask, she sits down on the couch across from me and crosses her arms.

She then speaks in a cold tone, "Rep.". I smile.

"Rep! I'll definitely remember that! You have very pretty eyes!" I exclaim, just trying to make her not so, cold acting ig.

"And a very pretty boyfriend, his names Joe," she rolls her eyes.  I sit there still putting on a fake smile, just trying to be nice.  Cause you never know what someone is dealing with until you're in their shoes so why not be nice to people, you only live once.

"I have a boyfriend named Joe too!!" I exclaim, just trying to make conversation.  Why is she acting so rude.  I get up and go over and sit next to her.

"What do you want?" Rep asks.  I sit there still smiling like a little kid.

"I just wanna be your friend, how's ur day going today?" I ask.  Rep rolls her eyes and ignores my question. "Not good I'm assuming, what happened, I'm here for you always!"

"We just met! Calm down I'm not interested!"  Rep defends.  I sit there in silence feeling defeated, I wanna start crying so bad but I stop myself. Why can't she see I'm just trying to be friendly?!

"No I know! And I'm straight, but I'm just trying to be nice, I mean I don't know what you're dealing with but I'm here for you, cause it's the right thing to do.  If you don't wanna tell me you don't have to, but I'd love to help you get through whatever is going on!"

"My boyfriend said he was filming a movie in London and couldn't be there when I left to come here, it's no pig deal calm ur titties pinky pie!"

Word count: 1019

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