Alex Saves Ryder

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Alex's P.O.V.

Alex feels her hands shaking as she's trying to unlock the door to the booth Ryder is in. "Alex!" Said Amanda as she arrived. "Amanda, what are you doing here?" Asked Alex. "Justin and Max thought it was a good idea for me to help you with Ryder." Amanda said. "Oh, then I take back asking you. Come on, let's get in." Alex said.

The middle Russo finally unlocks the door, only to be greeted by a devastating sight. Ryder was struggling to stand as he's near death. "Oh no." Said Amanda sadly. Fearing for her boyfriend's life, Alex runs over to Ryder, rolls him onto his back, and holds him in her arms as she looks at his stab wound. Amanda stands by the door to let them have some privacy.

Ryder looks up at his girlfriend sadly. "Alex." He said through a whisper. "Shhhh, don't talk. You'll waste your strength." Said Alex. "I wish we had more time." Said Ryder. "No, Ryder! I'm not letting you die!" Alex said as she's about to cry.

Amanda starts getting emotional herself as she watches the tragic moment between the two. Ryder puts his hand on Alex's cheek. "Babe..." He began. "Darling, please! I became a better person after we started dating, and I don't know how I can go on without you!" Cried Alex. "You still have a whole life ahead of you. Go and live it, my love. Be strong." Ryder said. Alex watches as the new love of her life takes his last breath and dies in her arms.

"No. Ryder, no! Come back!! Please don't leave me!!! I love you!" Alex sobbed. She held Ryder's motionless body close to her as she said the last part. The middle Russo finally breaks down as she cries harder than ever before.

Remembering what Justin and Max said, Amanda bends down to Alex's level. "I'm so sorry, Alex." Amanda said. "I can't lose him, Amanda! I just can't!" Cried Alex. "It's deja vu all over again." Said Amanda. "I know what you're talking about, but I don't wanna get into it anymore. My heart now belongs to Ryder, and it always will, just like how you gave your heart to Paul." Alex said.

Amanda gives a small laugh. "Hey, do you remember that song you sang a year ago when we revived... you know who?" She asked. "I think so." Said Alex. "Try singing it to Ryder while I heal his stab wound. Sing, Alex, I know you can do it." Amanda said.

The middle Russo takes a deep breath and sings what she sang a year ago while the swan princess heals Ryder.

Alex: I will be with you, wherever you are
Distance can't keep us apart
I'll keep believing, no matter how far
You'll be with me in my heart

Though all seems lost, as night descends
I'll keep you safe from the cold
When morning comes, and all the darkness ends
We'll be as one till we're old

We've been together a life and a day
But we've a new day to start
We'll make forever, we both know the way
You'll be with me in my heart

Alex & Ryder: You'll be with me in my heart

Ryder joins in during the last part as he's a hundred percent healed. Alex smiles as he opens his eyes, while Amanda steps back to let them have another moment alone.

Alex helps Ryder up and traps him in a super tight hug. "I thought I lost you!" Alex sobbed. "Lost me? No, baby, you didn't lose me. That'll never happen." Said Ryder. "Thank goodness!" Said Alex. The two bring themselves in for a kiss.

Once the embrace broke up, Amanda approaches the couple. "Glad to see you're still in one piece, Ryder." She said. "That goes double for you, Amanda." Ryder said. He gives his friend a hug afterwards, then looks down at where Jezebel stabbed him, only to realize the bloodstain is gone.

"I may have brought you back with my love, but it was Amanda who did the healing." Alex said. "A magical princess, huh?" Asked Ryder. "Yep, I was born with magic." Said Amanda. "Cool! Wait a minute, whatever happened to Jezebel?" Ryder asked. "She's gone. I first casted a spell that made her dress like a waitress, then defeated her with another blast of magic." Said Alex. "I wish I could've seen it." Ryder said.

Alex gives her boyfriend another hug, but much gentler this time. "Alright, lovebirds, shall we get back to the others?" Amanda asked. "Indeed we shall." Alex said. "Do you think your brothers are okay?" Asked Ryder. "They should be, same with Tori and Katie." Said Alex. "Let's go." Said Amanda.

The three go to catch up with the rest of the group. 

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