Chapter Three : The Enchiridion.

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"Ready Guys?" You asked sitting down, with Bonnie by your side you continued. "It's high time I tell you two about a book," Spitting into a cup a scowl took to your face, "Shitty book as it is, it'll definitely be more use to Finn than it was to me."

Bubblegum slapped you on the head and corrected, "The Book is not 'Shitty' It's an artifact passed down from Hero to Hero, Y/N says it has existed since even before the Mushroom War!" Holding a now sore spot on your head you explained.

"Y-Yeah, I remember Simon talking about it in his sleep." Pointing at Finn you smirked, "Luckily you're a better guy than me so the Book won't bite you..."

Finn's brow furrowed, "What do you mean by that?"

"You heard me." Your fist clenched rethinking the memory, "Took like a month to regrow those fingers." Waving the thoughts aside you turned to Jake, "I expect the both of you to work together when we get there, No goofing off either."

Finn and Jake sighed, "But that's what we do the best Man!" Hiding a smile you leaned forward.

"I know. So Hold Off For Now," Not able to keep your stoicism you broke out a grin, "When we get back we'll go on an Adventure, How's a Dungeon Crawl Sound!?" PB tugged on your arm, realizing you'd broken your promise to be hard on the duo

Clearing your throat, "Ahem, I will lead you to where the Trial Starts. But after that I will only watch you." Standing up you grabbed the two, threw them out the window and waved Goodbye to the Princess. "Be home before Dinner, Promise."

Jumping out the window yourself you floated to the ground. "Let's Get a Move On, Daylights Burning." It was hard for you to keep the act on, but definitely not impossible.

"Y-Yes Sir!!" They both said in unison, standing at attention. At your command they both marched towards the mountain.

When they were out of earshot you ran a hand through your hair, "I really don't want to do this." You dragged.


You floated high above the mountain, watching Finn and Jake fight and figure their way through the trials.

They handled it much more gracefully than you did.


"Outta My Way." Pushing the Weirdly dressed man aside you blasted the front gates open, not needing a key you continued on until you were met with Fairies.

They talked a little trash before you got tired of them, casting a binding spell on half of the monsters and tossing them into a well full of Lava. "The rest of you..." Turning to the others who cowered away in fear, "Take this as a Lesson, don't be good, don't be bad. Just Chill out." Your eyes glowed a bright green, "Or I'll come back and Kill you Lot."

Glob I used to be Dramatic.

The Further you got into the Mountain the weirder the Trials got, Helping Grandmothers across the street, Getting a cat out of a tree. Until you came across a Skeleton In a hood, clenching your fist as you were reminded of the Lich.

"Step Aside, Or I'll make You." With teeth gritting and Eyes focused, you carefully watched the Monsters every Move. "Did You Hear Me?! Move!"

It's sunken deep sockets lit up in a blue light, "Do you See this Ant?" It pointed to the Ground where the Ant crawled. "It is Evil, Stamp it Out."

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