Some Happy Day

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Circus Baby: "...are you fucking kidding me right now?"

Ennard: "What? Did I do something wrong? Do you not want to get married? Please, if I can fix things, then I'll do anything to make you happy!"

Circus Baby: "Ennard- do you know when we met? Do you know how long it's been since we met?"

Ennard: "April 12, 2024?"

Circus Baby: "Yes-! Exactly! This is going way too fast! We started dating literally TODAY! Now, you're proposing to me! What is going on?!"

Ennard: "Baby, Baby! Don't you see? We're meant to be! We're Romeo and Juliet! We're meant to be together and get married! C'mon, give me a chance!"

Circus Baby: "Ennard, I...I can't. I was okay with dating you, but marriage? I can't do that right now. Maybe in a few years but...I'm not doing it right now."

Ennard stayed quiet for a while, looking at Circus Baby with sadness in his eyes. Circus Baby tried to look away but she could feel him gripping onto her arm.

Ennard: "Baby. Why do you hate me?"

Circus Baby: "Ennard, I don't hate you."

Ennard: "After all I've done for you? You do this to me? I can't believe you. I took the hit for you when Shadow Bonnie infected me with the curse and my hand was chopped off and you can't marry me? Is it because I don't have a hand anymore?! You were the only one who understood me and now you just hate me? Anyone would've married me in an instant, but you? You're a fool."

Circus Baby: "Wh- Ennard..."

Ennard: "Don't even bother talking to me again. I guess we just aren't meant for each other after all if we can't even get married. It may have been less than two weeks, but we've practically known each other since the 90s from what we saw with Ballora. Heh...even Ballora wouldn't make such a dumb decision. And I thought you were one of the good ones."

Ennard turned around and started to walk away, his fists clenched. He stomped away as Circus Baby watched him. She started to have a bad feeling inside of her and made a decision that she would later regret.

Circus Baby (calling out to Ennard): "I'll marry you-!"

Ennard stopped moving and he stood still for a while. Although not visible to Circus Baby, he let a wide grinning smile slip onto his face, grateful that his plan had finally worked.


March 28, 2024

Ennard: "Okay, I had an idea. What if after you reveal that I was working for you, you add something like "he had no idea he was working for me, only that he was working for someone", how does that sound? It might make me a bit more redeemable."

Shadow Bonnie: "Okay, okay, I like it. And then what happens?"

Ennard: "Then you'll tie me up and I'll tell them all the information they need to know. After I make my redemption, I'll get into a relationship with her and I can get her to marry me."

Shadow Bonnie: "Are you sure this is going to work? Would she really marry a guy like you?"

Ennard: "Don't worry, I have a plan that is a surefire way of this working. I'll say some stupid sappy shit like "oh, I've changed!" and "I've always loved you!"

Shadow Bonnie: "Okay, and after the whole "curing" thing, what happens?"

Ennard: "I don't know, but rest assured, this plan will carry through no matter what happens."

Shadow Bonnie: "So, if one of us were to die, this plan would still be carried out?"

Ennard: "Precisely. This plan will be a success even beyond the grave."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 20 ⏰

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