the story of the quiet girl joining the glee club for a change, only to find her second family and the love of her life.
season one - season six
sam evans x oc
(re-write of my first book my love)
(i do not own any of the glee characters expect for m...
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FIRST DAY OF SCHOOL ALWAYS BROUGHT BUTTERFLIES TO JADE'S STOMACH. even before she had the title of quiet girl, jade would be super nervous every first day of school. this time it was different though.
it was different since she was nervous about how she wold survive the 4 years of hell.
sure, she could make some friends along those 4 years, but jade wasn't the type of person to go up to someone and be like "hey let's be friends!" well, not anymore anyway.
walking down the hallways of mckinley high school, jade had her headphones on as she began to walk to her locker. as she walked to her locker, all that she kept on replaying in her head was the small talk she had with her dad not so long ago about how she needed to start getting out of her comfort zone. it's not that derek riley was pushing her daughter to get out of her comfort zone, it was more like he just wanted to see his daughter live her life and not just kept to herself and always be in her room when she's not at school.
jade knew her dad had a point. ever since her mom ella passed away, derek has tried to help jade get out of her comfort zone. he tried helping her talk to people her age whenever they would go out in public, but would fail immediately when he would feel his daughter either leave and go with milo; her little brother, or hide behind him when people would make their way to them.
she wasn't always like this. in fact, in elementary and some of middle school, jade had a lot of friends. but when ella passed away, all of those friends seemed to have forgotten jade, resulting in her having no friends and isolating herself.
as she finally made her way to her locker, jade noticed how mckinley high was obviously a school with many cliques.
jade was an observer, not a speaker.
she noticed how the jocks would be would jocks, and the nerds would be with the nerds. it hasn't even been halfway through the day and jade riley has already noticed this at her school.
rolling her eyes, jade opens her locker and puts away the materials she would not need for the day. one thing about jade was that she always came prepare for school. jade always got good grades all her life, and even graduated top of the class in middle school. she was an intelligent girl as her dad described her to his ex police co-workers, also known as his best friends.
closing her locker, she makes her way to her first class, which is biology. jade had to admit, she hated science. it was her weakest subject. don't get her wrong, she loved performing labs in class, she just never really got the information her teachers would throw in her face.
making her way to her biology class, jade was stopped when she saw a bulletin board with a sign up sheet. the sign up sheet was for a club called glee club. the sign up sheet stated "new directions! glee club. sign up below."