A Brewing Storm

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On the next day, somewhere one hour after Emir left for work, Leyla and Mert went to their special secluded place - their so loved Hidden Garden, found just a few metres away from the place where they first met - the high school. They left their new home, under the pretext that Leyla needed to visit a certain place.

When the two secret lovers arrived at the garden, they sat under the oak tree, allowing it to witness some more of their forbidden, yet beautiful love.

"Finally a place where I can find a moment of peace..." Leyla exclaimed "That house is suffocating me."

Mert giggled slightly and kissed the top of her head.

"It is interesting how such things can lead to such an oxymoron..." he replied "That house is a lot bigger than this garden, but is suffocating you much more."

Leyla responded with her own giggle.

"I do not think it is the place itself that much. But it is the atmosphere and the people more." she replied back "For example, when I am here with you, I feel so much better than when I am at that house with Emir. And the only place, in that house, where I am at peace, is your room. It again is smaller than most of the other rooms, but is the least suffocating place."

Mert was caressing and kissing her head, while listening to her speak and unleash her soul. The sound of her voice always felt like therapy to him. He could listen to her speak for a lifetime.

"Then, if you allow me, I would like to continue bringing you peace and comfort as much as possible." he replied to her "Because you are my princess and making you happy is my duty."

"You always make me happy anyway." she replied back "And I want you to be happy, too, my love. Only then I can be at peace the fullest."

"As long as I am with you, there is no way I would not be happy." he replied

The two smiled at each other and kissed. They spent a few hours at their special place, sitting onto the familiar bench and enjoying the mixed scent of the various blooming flowers, which Leyla and Mert themselves had planted there.

Two hours later Leyla and Mert returned from their private heaven. Leyla went upstairs and Mert remained in the garden for a while. Pelin - the daughter of this house's Chef, saw this as an opportunity to exchange a few words with him. She looked herself in the mirror real quick, fixed her hair and went to him. She sat onto the garden swing next to him, and asked "How are you?"

"I am fine." he answered mechanically "You?"

"I am fine, too." she replied

"How do you like this house and your job?" she asked him "I never got the chance to ask you."

"The house is nice. Big and always lively." he answered "I like my job, too."

"I think your job is the easiest one. You only take care of Mrs. Leyla, and we here do household chores every day." she exclaimed

Mert giggled and replied "Maybe..."

Pelin's heart skipped a beat at the sound of Mert's giggle.

"Peki, if it is not a secret, where did Mrs. Leyla want you to take her to? Why did it take you this long to return?" Pelin asked him

Mert's heart melted, hearing his secret lover's name, but, fortunately, his face did not expose that emotion at that moment.

"Why do you care?" he asked her "She asked me to take her to somewhere, and I just did my job. That is it."

"Yeah, but why did it take this long?" she asked

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