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i woke up to my head pounding and feeling like i'm gonna throw up.

"morning" dawn says from the floor
i lean over and see her sprawled out on the floor with a pillow and blanket

i yawned
"why are you on the floor?"

"you yelled at me last night insisting i slept on the floor and not your bed"

i giggled
"oh.. sorry. drunk me is rude!"

dawn laughs
"it's fine i didn't want you throw up on me anyway"

i stretched and drank water that was on my night stand next to me.
memory's of last night started flooding back to me



"didn't benny say to me last night 'i'll see you tomorrow?'"

"yeah i think.."

"does that mean he wants to talk with me?"
we looked at each other then scrambled to get dressed.
we took out two random shirts i had in my closet and a pair of shorts.

we then ran to my front door

"hey! where are you guys going?" molly asks

"sorry molly no time to talk! we will be back soon!" we the bolted down the street and ran around vincent's drug to the sandlot.

we slowly hid behind a bush in the back of the field so nobody could see us.
benny was playing centerfield which means he was closer to us and far away from the boys who were on the bases.

"psst! benny!" i said whisper-yelling

"benny!" dawn said whispering.

he whipped his head around and looked confused.
we waved him over.

"um.. guys i'm gonna get a water from the drug store i'll be back"
he then jogged over to us.

"can we talk benny?" i say fidgeting with my fingers

"yeah sure"
we began walking out of the sandlot and towards the town and dawn trailed behind us.

"so.. about the whole thing last night" i said


"thank you for standing up for me. seriously. i didn't think you would.."

"it's no problem, even though i didn't really want to talk to you, we were still friends in the beginning right?"

"yeah. and you were right about phillips, he is a total jerk and such a stuck up"

"i warned you" he said laughing as i laughed with him

"turns out he was using me this whole time just so he can get his five minutes of fame.."

"yeah well it's over now.. if he ever says anything to you just let me know okay?"

"okay. thank you benny for forgiving me"
we traded smiles at eachother. dawn caught up to us.

"are you guys done talking now?"


"okay good!"
all three of us turned around and started heading back to the sandlot.

"benny could you help dawn out with something" i say smirking at dawn

"yeah sure what is it"

i whispered in bennys ear.
"ok i could do that"

dawn looked scared
"what? what did you say to him roxanne?!"

i smile at her
"you'll see"

after a short walk back to the sandlot we finally arrived
"benny do you think they will forgive me"

"they better"
we walked cautiously up to the sandlot. the boys stopped the game and threw their mitts down angry.
they all walked up to us and crossed there arms

"i thought you were getting water benny" squints says glaring at him

"look guys roxanne apologized and everything is good no-"

i stepped infront of benny
"no i need to apologize to them to benny"

"look guys i really am sorry. i should've stopped things with phillips in the beginning, you guys were right and he's a jerk and im sorry for betraying you. i hope you can let me back into the sandlot.." i said looking around

they all glared at me
"huddle up!" ham yells as the boys scramble to get into a circle.

i looked at benny confused and he also looked confused.
then looked behind me at dawn and she also looked just as confused.

eventually the boys got out of the huddle.
"we have come to a decision" ham says

"your aloud back in" squints says seriously
i smile wide and clap my hands. benny and dawn both smile.

"well what are you guys waiting for.. base up you blockheads!" benny says running back to centerfield.

the rest of the day until 7 o'clock we played baseball.
we even taught dawn how to play baseball even though she has been against playing baseball her whole life (i think she just played to talk with bertram)

eventually it was starting to get dark out and we decided to all head home.
me and dawn started to walk out of the sandlot when bertram and benny jogged up to us.

"hey roxanne!" benny says from behind me as i turn around to look at him.

"can i.. walk you home?" he asks

"yeah and i can walk dawn home.. o-only if she wants of course" bertram says nervously
me and dawn both exchanged an agreeing look.

"sure!" we both said

benny and bertram both looked at eachother proudly as bertram and dawn started walking the opposite direction.

me and benny walked in silence for the first few minutes, not sure of what to say.

"thank you again benny"

"you don't need to keep thanking me roxanne" he laughs

i laugh with him
"yeah it's just.. i really thought you weren't gonna do anything. i just thought you would never forgive me after getting with phillips"

"i still knew you roxanne.. we were friends before that you know.."

"yeah your right" we eventually came to a stop at my house.

i turn to look at him
"thank you benny"

"stop saying that!" he laughs

"your right im sorry" i say giggling
i look up and smile at him and he gives me one of those half smirking smiles.
i lean in to give him a hug which we have never done before. it felt nice getting a hug from someone other than molly.

i smile at him one more time before running inside my house.

Uptown girl ~ benny rodriguez ~ the sandlotWhere stories live. Discover now