Blood on Your Hands

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Hello, lovelies!
I may warn you that this book is a bit darker at first, but there is fluff mixed in.

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The full moon always gave the woods an eerie glow, but most of the human residents in Beacon Hills didn't really mind it; they were all beyond used to it. Beacon Hills always had that weird feeling radiating that the humans just shrugged off and went with it. Now, that isn't important at all. First of all, let's talk supernatural for a moment. Beacon Hills is literally a beacon for supernatural creatures; drawing in any species of supernatural like a magnet. Werewolves, kanimas, banshees, kitsunes, chimeras... Okay, the point is that there's a lot of supernatural creatures. Most come in abundances (or packs), but in rare occasions is there a single creature making its destination to the town. For example, Beacon Hills had never seen nor heard of vampires before (The idea itself was preposterous! ) ...until now.

You see, Gemin "Stiles" Stilinski is a beautiful, perilous creature of habit. He hunts, kills, feeds, and then repeats (while doing so, he throws in sarcastic comments along the way). He never feels any remorse towards any of them. His victims never truly see their deadly fate coming because Stiles doesn't actually look like a typical vampire. No, sir, he takes on more elegant approach. Innocence and his heavenly facade was how he reeled them all in. You could compare him to a siren, sure, but they aren't totally identical in how they polish off their prey. Stiles, unlike others of his kind, take it as a game of art. He'd already mastered this unorthodox activity, but it took him over a hundred years to technically perfect it.

Also, contrary to some mortals' beliefs, Stiles does, in fact, drink blood. Yeah, he could eat a hamburger and say that it filled his hungering desire, but why would he when he could catch fresh food and get an adrenaline rush out of doing so? He'd be foolish if he went with the first choice. Plus, drinking blood makes him maintain the exquisite age of twenty-one, so that's obviously a win in his book.

Stiles was also used to moving from city to city, town to town, state to state, country to- you get the gist of it. He caused mayhem in the blink of an eye, didn't give a single care in the world, and most importantly, he never looked back. He was a rebellious spit fire who didn't stress over who he pissed off. That's just who he was. Most of the supernatural creatures that encountered Stiles hated him because they usually had to clean up his messes wherever he went... just so he didn't reveal the supernatural to the mortal world. The exposure of the supernatural world would cause chaos between the two worlds, and nothing would be the same ever again. Did Stiles mind? Nope. He lived for chaos, mischief, and all hell breaking loose.

But then... Stiles arrived in said town of Beacon Hills. This was the place where Stiles' life changed forever.

- - - - - - -

"Oh, come on, I did not travel all this way to just catch a disgraceful squirrel," Stiles grumbled as he threw the pitiful, lifeless squirrel down onto the woods' ground. He ran a shaky hand through his hair, letting the strands get tangled with his nimble fingers. His usual messy hair was now looking like a tornado had swept through his brunette mane. Beacon Hills was already feeling like a shitty place to be at and he'd only been there for two hours. He was so used to catching prey quickly, but it seemed like the woods was deserted by any useful humans. He sighed in agitation, severely distressed about his situation. He hadn't had blood for the past four days, and it was making him an antsy mess. Vampires can't go without blood for a week, and if they actually do, well, then they are toast. So... yeah, get blood within a week or you are digging your own grave, buddy. Stiles always kept up on his feeding; every two days, never later. He ended up not eating at all on his journey to Beacon Hills because he'd been in such a rush to get there. He was regretting it as soon as he realized it.

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