Voltage Challenge

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So..I've decided to restart the challenge. Hehe..Anyways, the questions are in my previous Voltage Challenge, but I'll be nice and post them here!

Day 1. Your first Voltage game, and how did you find it?

Day 2. Favorite Voltage game

Day 3. Least favorite or Voltage game you have no interest in playing

Day 4. Ever bought a route and then regretted it?

Day 5. Do you play any of the Gree games?

- Have you played ____? If yes, who is your guy of choice? If not, why? ( 6 - 14 )

Day 6. Pirates in Love

Day 7. My Forged Wedding

Day 8. Seduced in the Sleepless City

Day 9. Be My Princess

Day 10. In Your Arms Tonight

Day 11. Love Letter From Thief X

Day 12. My Sweet Bodyguard

Day 13. A Knight's Devotion

Day 14. Office Secrets

Day 15. Any future Voltage games you're looking forward to?

- Favorite and least favorite ( 16 - 23 )

Day 16. Voltage guy/love interest

Day 17. MC

Day 18. Overall cast

Day 19. Male NPC

Day 20. Female NPC

Day 21. Be My Princess butler

Day 22. Soundtrack

Day 23. CG

Day 24. Funniest character

Day 25. Most tragic character

Day 26. Character you love to hate

Day 27. Game with the most routes you've completed (or the one you completed the first)

Day 28. Do you use the same name in all your games, or do they have to be different for each character?

Day 29. Whether or not you've played IYAT (In Your Arms Tonight), what's your opinion on Koichi and/or the whole cheating aspect?

Day 30. Write Voltage a letter

So that's all the questions. I will do my best to update each day, but it may be difficult as the wifi where I'm at is pretty complicated. I'm also updating via iPad, so I won't change the cover until I get my laptop back. All are allowed to join, so no need to ask my permission! I DID NOT CREATE THIS CHALLENGE!

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