Day One- Your first Voltage game, and how did you find it?

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Day one! My very first Voltage game was Ten Days with my Devil. I actually didn't find this game, but have seen it on the App Store for Most Recommended. Cherry installed it, curious as to what it was. At the time, we both were using our father's account and I found it in Purchased. I installed it, and fell in love with it immediately. The prologue was interesting, the characters were hot, everything was perfect in my eyes. I then found out that you had to purchase routes and was disappointed, but found out that there were more apps made by the same company.

I tried to install the English ones, but needed my father's password. Cherry was still able to install new apps as she had recently installed a game and the password was still in effect. So after constant nagging, Cherry installed them all for me and I reinstalled them into my iPad. I played all the prologues, which took two hours. I found two games that I absolutely wanted, My Forged Wedding and Dreamy Days in West Tokyo.

I'm now a Voltage gamer! Thing is, Cherry wishes she's never installed TDwmD since she's annoyed at me for fangirling all the time, but whatever.

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