Chapter 6: Open Arms

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Chapter 6: Open Arms

Disclaimer: S. Meyer owns Twilight                 Banner by LOS/manip by Kupat at Deviant art

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Before dropping me off, Blondie flipped her body around and grabbed a bouquet off the back seat. I knew I smelled somethin' a little strange—rose-scented, Rosalie stench; quite an aroma. She handed me the flowers and snarked, "Here, you'll need these. You can't go in there empty-handed. Maybe she'll think you actually picked them out yourself."

I looked blankly at the roses and back at the snotty vamp. "Why are you doin' this anyway?"

"Beats me. I guess I'm just a sucker for the under-DOG. I had to do something. The sitting around doing nothing was killing me."

Fat chance, Blondie. You already kicked the bucket a loooong time ago.

"You two are such morons; I had to drag you over here so you'll finally get together. How stupid can you be? Bella loves you—why, is beyond my imagination—but she does. So get your butt in there and take what's yours. You can thank me later, by naming your first puppy, Rose."

Over my dead body.

I got outta the Lexus, still in a daze. She revved the engine, then rolling down the window, stuck her head out. "Well, don't just stand there like an idiot. What are you waiting for? Get moving!" With that, she floored the accelerator and was peeling outta the parking lot.

Jeez, how can Emmett stand her? She's beautiful, but man, what a beast.

Watching the Lexus go by in a blur, I thought, The other cars on the road better watch it unless they have a death wish. Then I realized that's one wish that the leech would never have granted. She couldn't die again, unless my pack or the Volturi got to her, and I didn't see that happening any time soon. I kinda felt almost sorry for her.

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Now that I was outside Bella's place, I started to sweat ... a lot. What the hell should I say? This was gonna be awkward. Should I mention the loss of the baby spawn, or would she bring it up? It wouldha been so much easier if Blondie had left Bella's phone in the apartment where it belonged. Then I could've eased into the conversation smoothly. Oh well, too late now, the roses would start to wilt if I didn't hop to. I took a deep breath, and rapped at her door.

Bella yelled, "Come on in, Rose. The door's open. I'll be out in a minute."

A few seconds later, her footsteps sounded as she walked down the hall. "I heard your car. I thought you said it was a bad idea to pull up out front. I—"

She appeared framed in the hallway entrance, frozen, her mouth gaping open. "Jacob?"

I forced a smile. "Last time I looked."

"I ... I can't believe it ... Jacob, you're actually here."

I didn't know what to expect. I thought maybe she'd act kinda shy, and hold back, putting some distance between us. What I didn't expect was Bella throwing herself across the room, and flinging herself into my arms ... not that I was complainin' or anything.

The roses got quickly tossed onto a nearby chair; my hands were full at the moment, if ya get my drift. Bella had me in a choke hold, her slim form nearly stuck to me. I lifted her with ease, and carried her bodily to the couch.

We sat in silence for some time, she on my lap, and me, holding her tight, nuzzling the side of her head, and listening to the rapid pace of her heart. It was a glorious sound—a beating, human heart.

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