Wild and Reckless

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She was wild and reckless. Living for the thrill. In her wildness her beauty was found. The excitement was shown through her eyes when she looked at him. Her joy was found in the smile that was always plastered to her lips when they were lost in the world on their own little adventure.

Some thought that she was careless and impulsive. Some thought it would do her good for him to tame her. But he knew in the wildness is where she thrived recklessly. Where she was free just to be. Nothing more, nothing less than free.

No he couldn't tame her, he thought as he watched her in her freedom. If he tried to tame her she certainly would not bend like a tree to the wind. If she became tame he would lose everything he'd become. He had lost himself in her eyes, her lips, her spirit, and her love. No. If she lost her wild and reckless streak, he realized he would lose his freedom and himself.

So, yeah. This poem was written about the lyric "Flyin' high, living careless, on the edge of wild and reckless," from the song "Hell Of A Night" by Dustin Lynch. Also because I was reading about Aries astrology because I'm an Aries. Aries are considered impulsive, wild, reckless, and have a thirst for freedom. The lyric just kind of fit with what I was reading and BAM! a poem was born. Hope you enjoy!

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