Starving (edited)

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Today they have decided not to feed me because I swore at them for three hours yesterday during my torturing.
Right now they are whipping my back. My chest was pressed against the wall my back exposed to them. They have been at it for an hour and it does hurt but I'm not going to cry out. I'm not going to break.
"Let's see if this hurts him." One of my torturers say a moment later something is poured on my back.
It stings like a bitch. I jerk to the side to get away from it.
"It seems it does. Do it again." Another one says
They pour what ever it was on my back again. I smack my fists into the wall causing them to bleed. But I don't cry out. Not one bit.
"Okay time to go back to the cell." Unhooking me from the chains I slump to the floor. My back still burned from the alcohol they poured on me.
Yanking me to my feet the two guards drag me back to my cell and dump me to the my bed.
Slowly my stomach starts to hurt, it was to much to take. Everything hurt even more today than normal. I don't know how much more of this I can take without breaking down.

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